Chapter 34 - New Mission 2

Arriane's contact meet her outside the airport holding a placard with her fake name written on it. She hurriedly approach her contact adjusting the camera hanging on her neck as she pulled her luggage.

Arriane : hi...... I'm Anisha Smith, she introduced herself to the man while pointing her name on the placard before pointing to herself, indicating that she is the one with the name written on the placard. She's afraid that the man may not understand English language.

The man with placard : ah... you're miss Smith... nice to meet you Miss Smith, my name is Mikhael Abdul I Am your contact. the man with placard introduced himself to Arriane, apparently he can understand and speak English fluently.

Arriane : ah hello Mikhael... nice to meet you too... I'm glad you're good at speaking English, anyway where are we headed to??? as she said that, Mikhael already took her luggage from her hand and put it on the back of an old Wrangler jeep

Mikhael : i studied as an exchange student in America for five years, i stayed there for long until i was summoned back here...

We are going to our camp first. from there you will need to go by yourself to the Taliban's camp site.

I'll be giving you a map to their place, including all the booby traps location so that you won't fall or step accidentally on it.

Don't worry the Taliban's camp site is not that far from our Camp. But i can't accompany you, i will give you this jeep to use, it'll be a long travel by foot on the desert if you don't have a jeep like this.

When you're done with your mission you can drive the jeep going north me and my colleagues will meet you there near the desert ridge, then we'll take you to the American's Camp site, boundary of American and Taliban territory.

As Mikhael drove the car, he explained to Arriane every places they passed by. he even point a possible short cut route back to their camp, but he advised Arriane from doing so.

because if she did, dozens of life would be in danger .The Taliban terrorist would surely attack their camp.

Mikhael drove through the desert passing low brick houses on the way. Some children come out of the house and ask for money. Mikhael stop her from giving those kids some money, telling her that there are many thief's around, and those kids were just bait.