The road to the north of the black land was resisted by the ancient Roman Empire, which made their civilization harvest plan unable to start. As a result, these fearsome began to build their own surface warships in the coastal areas.

Fear of death did have the ability to build large aircraft to invade other continents, but they were a group of partially awakened intellectual units that were not as flexible as the Legion led Roman Empire.

In the route set by the fear of death, they must harvest the most knowledge with the least resources.

After analyzing several human cities destroyed by themselves, the fear of death concluded that the world's productivity was low. This harvest was still a failure harvest. The resources and energy needed to build large aircraft were too large, and the harvest rate was too low.

This is what the current supreme commander of the ancient Roman Empire wanted.

Through complex calculation, the staff also predicted that the speed of warships made by the fear of death would coincide with the time of chaos and omni-directional erosion. At that time, the fleet of fear of death would encounter the fleet of chaotic evil spirits on the sea.

Using the fear of death to fight against its enemies is the most efficient weapon found after the ancient Roman Empire revived this time. The last time it fought against the gods, the ancient Roman Empire had already tasted the sweetness, and this time was no exception.

For intelligent equipment like staff, the seemingly powerful fear of death is essentially no different from the semi intelligent construction machinery working on the construction site.

Since the great whirlpool plan was finalized, based on the appearance of Xu Yichen, the staff officer has made drastic changes to the existing plans.

It recalculated the site required for the grand vortex project and started building on the existing underground setting.

In essence, they want to build a turbine that can drain the world's magic energy as quickly as possible, and the larger the vortex itself, the better.

In the plan envisioned by the staff, the aboveground building part of the maelstrom project would be a hollow cylinder with a diameter of more than two kilometers and a height of more than 350 meters. The engineering experts of the ancient Roman Empire did act according to this requirement.

But this is not the real world. This is a world based on magic. There may be bigger buildings in the new world than those in the staff plan, but they are all built by magic.

And the related buildings of the whirlpool project must not use magic power.

In order to construct the above ground parts, the staff even did not hesitate to demolish the underground bases of the ancient Roman Empire on a large scale to obtain enough qualified building materials.

But plans often fail to keep pace with changes.

The staff member calculated the bearing capacity of the whole building foundation in detail, as well as the maximum lateral force that the building materials can bear. However, when the engineers raised the whole project to 177 meters with high efficiency, some collapse still occurred.

After re inspection, the staff found that there were three different intelligent equipment units with different positions in the project, and the bottom data was confused. They sent the unqualified building materials to the wrong position and constructed with the wrong construction methods.

Fortunately, the mistakes they made were not serious enough to cause the whole project to fail.

But what worries the staff is that this is the first time that the intellectual weapons of the ancient Roman Empire have been maliciously attacked by chaos.

The staff officer tried to analyze the source of the code confusion of the three intelligent equipment units. As a result, they still lost a quarter of their own memory. The code was like a virus, which almost infected the staff.

Fortunately, the staff is alert enough, it uses the way of isolation analysis to build a firewall for itself.

The whole ground project was temporarily suspended, and the staff had sent out a call for help to the regiment. It did not know how to deal with such an emergency.

Even so, the semi-finished products produced by the ancient Roman Empire have become the marvel of the Principality of sarion.

The members of the lion Knights' order almost saw it grow from scratch. It was not a simple house or a castle. It was a huge building that had never appeared in the history of mankind in the world.

It's a miracle. For many aborigines, even the miracles of gods can't surprise them more.

Such architectural miracles cannot be hidden. The order of lion Knights now organizes daily patrols to stop those who are curious to try to cross the line into the Roman Empire.

Although the lion king has ordered the cessation of all hostile acts against the ancient Roman Empire, his latest order also clearly requires the order of lion knights to do their best to prohibit others from approaching the huge building.

Until now, it has been found that, as long as the lion king wishes, the famous lion Knights of sarion can turn the direction of defense overnight and become the first line of defense to protect the ancient Roman Empire.

The infected people of Baihua plague have already crossed the first line of defense set by the Principality of sarion, and more than 20000 defenders have been killed in this battle. The only good news for mankind is that this time, the Baihua plague can not get more supplies from the remains of the dead.Many guards would rather drench themselves with kerosene at a time of despair than be infected by the hundred flowers plague.

In addition to a large number of supplies supported by the European empire, unexpected support from the SELIS also greatly boosted the morale of the Principality of Salem.

Although the glory war soul competition was held by the European people, and the final winner was also the European people, the whole old continent knew that it was because the celestines did not play before the final.

When the steel ship of the sailis appeared in the port, the king of Salem began to think that his country had been invaded.

But when thousands of heavily armed Cyrus fighters set up camp in the wilderness far from the city, and the envoys expressed their wishes with goodwill from afar, the sarons were relieved.

The celestines came to fight against the Baihua plague. Their waiters gave a speech in the king's Square and told everyone that they came with good intentions. The Baihua plague is the enemy of all mankind. There is no difference between countries in front of the Baihua plague. Therefore, they are willing to put aside the isolation of national boundaries and fight against such evil in the name of all mankind.

The aborigines of the old world had never heard of such a high-level theory before. In only two days, the king of the kingdom of Salem realized that if he was not willing to accept the "goodwill" of these SELIS, he would have been on the opposite side of all the sareans.

The "goodwill" of the SELIS was transmitted to this country in the most direct way. In a very efficient way, the in-depth military cooperation that used to take months or even years was completed in just two days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!