[you now have enough experience to improve your career level. 】

after killing the nester completely, the empty experience pool is instantly filled, and even some of it exceeds. Maybe the system calculates part of the extinction crisis it can bring when calculating the experience value given by the nester.

In short, Xu Yichen now has enough experience to raise his [gray Knight silver blade] class to level 10 and his total level to level 19.

When the "grey Knight silver blade" was raised to level 10, the whole world seemed to be at a standstill, and Xu Yichen's ears were echoed by bursts of magnificent music that people wanted to worship.

The Supreme Master of grey Knight seemed to stand by his side and congratulated himself with a loud voice: "Congratulations, recruit. Now you are qualified to be a real grey knight. Resisting demons is your eternal career. What do you expect from your future?"

With the fall of the grey Knight's Supreme Master's words, the system displayed a series of advanced classes in front of Xu Yichen. These occupations correspond to the eight brotherhoods under the gray Knight battle group. However, not every brotherhood can choose, and some options are gray.

"You have to choose one of the following professions as your step into legend. This will be your most important career choice. It will determine how to walk your legendary road. Please choose carefully."

The first brotherhood, the swordsman, is gray, unable to choose and lacks key props to form an effective combat effectiveness.

Xu Yichen's first choice was grey. Based on his knowledge of the sword bearers' brotherhood, the Brotherhood was mainly responsible for managing the ground armor of the grey Knight battle group, which was difficult to reproduce in the world, so it was gray.

In addition, for the same reason, the "keeper" of the fifth brotherhood and the "sharp sword" of the sixth brotherhood have become gray and unable to choose.

The former is responsible for the storage of the gray Knight's fearless mecha and the most important material genetic seeds, while the latter is responsible for controlling the strategic support weapons of the grey Knight battle group, including star annihilation weapons.

Xu Yichen directly ignored the option that could not be selected and continued to look down.

The second brotherhood, "blade of victory" -- optional, specialized in direction, rapid deployment, and tactical foresight.

The third brotherhood, the "bodybuilder" -- optional, specialized, psionic think tank, demonic exile.

The seventh brotherhood, "blackmailer" - optional, specialized in direction, demonology, intelligence analysis, command.

The eighth fraternity. "Silver blade" - optional, specialized in direction, balance, weapon use.

It's true that Xu Yichen can still walk on the road of silver blade, and there is no short board for him to sharpen. Even within the gray Knight battle group, the eighth brotherhood silver blade is the largest brotherhood.

The grey Knights prefer bucket numbers.

Another brotherhood that could not be chosen was the fourth brotherhood, brother prophet.

This brotherhood cannot join the fraternity on its own initiative. Only those grey knights who are too seriously injured to continue to adapt to war life, or whose spiritual achievements are too prominent to appear in the battlefield can join the brotherhood.

The fourth brotherhood is of great importance to the whole regiment.

Its members are either experienced or gifted, and can guide the operation of the entire regiment at the tactical and strategic levels, and the senior members of the brotherhood are proficient in psychic divination.

Different from the foreseeing ability of the victory blade, the divination of the brothers of the prophets is often recorded in books. Some divination contents may take thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years to find the corresponding omen.

Many seemingly groundless actions of the grey knights are preparing for the contents of divination by the brothers of the prophets.

Based on her current situation and future tasks, Xu Yichen chose to become a member of the "bodybuilder" of the third brotherhood, following the path taken by caldo Drego, the Supreme Master of the grey knight.

Both the way to psychic think tank and the ability to banish demons are the best choice for Xu Yichen to enter the whirlpool in the future.

If the world gives Xu Yichen a little more time, perhaps with the technology level of the whole world climbing, he will have the opportunity to become one of the "custodians" of the fifth brotherhood and spread the gene seeds of monk astat.

But time has not allowed it.

With the choice of the road, Xu Yichen also got the reward of "plastic guard".

Psionic talent, psionic specialization.

[psionic specialization: psionic powers are strange to humans, but in such a large base, there will always be some people who are different. They not only come into contact with psionic powers, but also resist the temptation to explore a more effective way to use psionic powers in the sea of psionic powers.

Psychic powers are like docile pets in these people's hands. They are left to their masters. Among all human psychics, the most powerful one is undoubtedly the Emperor himself. Under the emperor, there is the fallen chizoplasm, Magnus the red devil, and the emperor's right hand, the magical pattern macado, one of the founders of the gray Knight battle group.In the less clear records of the battle group, makado once imprisoned the whole satellite in the subspace, accelerating the flow of time, which lasted for a whole thousand years. It took only 10 years for the whole grey Knight battle group to mature from its establishment.

Only those with the most talent in the group can inherit this talent from makado. It doesn't mean that you are strong as makado, but it means that you have that potential. 】

unlike this talent's simple name, its introduction is enough to shock anyone.

The evil mark makado's behavior to the gray Knight battle group reminds Xu Yichen of the present situation of the world.

A world imprisoned in subspace, a world controlled by evil gods.

Can human beings really be so powerful? Can you move the planet, control the time? Xu Yichen looked at the lightning in the palm of his hand and fell into meditation.

He can feel that the sea of psionic power has become more transparent to him, and he can easily see through many secrets hidden in the depths of the sea.

The powerful psionic lightning now flows smoothly in the hand, and it is not at all ferocious. But Xu Yichen knows that as long as he wants, it can turn into a thunderstorm at any time, and its power is more powerful than before.

The psychic has opened the door to itself, and only imagination limits itself.

With the touch of Xu Yichen's will, he rose straight into the air. As long as he wants to, he can always keep flying.

Only this time, he won't be confused by the power of his body. After seeing the roles of the grey Knight's Supreme Master, the Talon Zerg's biological starship, and the magellado, he will never be bewildered by the power before him.

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