Katherine was not the first alien to join the harpist organization. As early as she was struggling for human civilization or at least for the future of EU people in the real world, the harpist organization had begun to find reliable candidates among the alien people to become its shadow member.

In fact, many EU players have completed tasks and entrustments for the harpist organization again and again without knowing it. However, the harpist organization did not appear in the whole process.

As an ancient organization, the harpist organization can be traced back to the age of the elves court. Many members are handed down from father to son and from generation to generation. All along, this organization has been adhering to the principle of only obligations and no rights. The purpose of a person's action comes from justice in his heart.

They often release tasks in places like mercenary Union and navigator Union in a low-key manner, waiting for the transcendent to accept them, and then place a few of their own people to observe each other's words and deeds closely, as well as various choices in the process of the task.

Those selected targets will be observed under similar conditions for months or even years before they are accepted by the harpist organization.

No doubt, Ms. Catherine was an exception. It took her only one month to be noticed, accepted, and become one of the core members of the harpist organization.

The first contact between the harpist organization and Ms. Catherine took place in a case of sacrifice to evil gods on the outskirts of Shabak city. Along the traces left by the sacrifice scene, Katherine traced all the way to a lady's club in Shabak city.

Not surprisingly, this is the stronghold of a certain sex evil believer. Although Ms. Catherine has not carried out field work for several years, she is the elite among the elites who can be made into a high-level one in the Torchwood like the relevant departments.

Relying on her experience alone, she found the other side's hidden erotic hall, and found a group of captured harpists and as many as a dozen elves completely immersed in lust.

Although Katherine is only a five level extraordinary, but the challenge to the lust followers is never hard power, but the hidden desire and willpower. Finally, from the ignited club, only two surviving harpist members and Catherine came out.

In the following two weeks, Katherine, like Batman active in the dark side of the city, constantly haunted the dark corners, collecting the mortals and the extraordinary who were bewitched by chaos.

The harpist organization was shocked by Catherine's means and her understanding of chaos, which is exactly what they lacked. So they absorbed Catherine and reformed the whole organizational framework with Catherine's participation to make it more suitable for anti chaos war.

In Katherine's eyes, the harpist organization is undoubtedly a loose and old-fashioned organization. It is difficult to imagine an organization with more than a dozen legendary strong men, but it can not put the right force in the right place at the right time.

In many chaotic erosion events, harpist organizations have made serious mistakes, resulting in a large number of casualties.

Their team, which is rooted in the hearts of ordinary people, is not fully aware of the erosion events that have taken place in various places. Many times, they can't distinguish which things are chaotic erosion cases and which are not.

A group of Warcraft animals who left their habitat because of starvation is a disaster to a small town where few extraordinary people have settled down. Those farmers who pass the news can describe what happened on their farms as if they were facing the bloodthirsty devil.

As early as 20 years ago, in the name of celebrating the harvest, a noble Lord who had been corrupted by Nagu had openly carried out heretical worship in his territory and guided his followers to offer sacrifices to him.

It is only when more and more newborn babies have abnormal deformities that the harpist tissue will pay attention to.

Sending a legendary Berserker to the wilderness to catch wild boars, and sending a small group of extraordinary people with an average grade of less than 10 to deal with chaotic sorcerers, such things have happened from time to time in the history of harpist organizations.

Until Catherine showed up.

The core members of the harpist group were surprised to find that this exotic woman not only had excellent management skills, but also had a keen intuition.

She can always find those really important things in a room of intelligence materials, trace all the way through all kinds of clues, and finally know which family members of the harpist organization are facing before they arrive at the target location of the mission.

With her amazing talent, Catherine's appearance made the harpist group finally decide to cooperate with Torchwood.

"That's one of the reasons why we can sit here because we have a more modern management art and a richer experience of chaos." "They need our intelligence and analysis, and we need everything that the harpist organizes," Katherine told Charles fan

"yes, small tradesmen and porters are everywhere in the old world, and they are very dignitary, and they are under the ranks of the dealers, and they have enough legends to carry out the task." "It sounds like another department," said Charles fan, with some emotion"If you agree, sign this document and we will be colleagues again." Katherine pushed a piece of parchment with magical waves and mysterious patterns: "this is a magic contract made by three legendary spellcasters. You'd better read every word on it carefully, because once you break the contract, the defaulter will suffer unimaginable punishment."

"I can't represent the whole torch wood organization. I'm afraid we need a little time to think about it." Charles put up the contract and laughed helplessly: "you know, Catherine, this matter has to be wiped several times and quarreled with each other several times to have the final result."

"Of course I know, I hate all this, that's why I brought us to this point!" Katherine responded coldly: "that's why I'll negotiate with you as a harpist. If you want to cooperate with the harpist, you'll have to follow my rules. It's very clear in the contract."

"Well, I can only congratulate you, Catherine. You've moved to a place where you can use your talent better." Charles van n shook his head. "We shouldn't have fallen here. If the angel plan didn't fail, we would have made the world a better place..."

"it's about making you better." Katherine waved her hand: "don't play with elitist politics in front of me. The goal of anti chaos organizations is never for the benefit of a small group of human beings. That's why we have not been as efficient as the relevant departments."

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