The Lion King Leon was the first to find the change in the magino defense line. The constantly shaking ground under his feet reminded him that the whole defense line was shaking greatly. If this damned defense line was not ready to break away from the final shackles, or the blood fog outside was causing damage to the defense line.

For the defenders, the best news is that the blood fog outside has not spread into the interior of the defense line. There is still some kind of restraining force at the few exits that can lead to the outside world, so that the blood mist can not enter the interior of the magino defense line, but those activated limbs on the surface of the defense line will suffer.

The lancelle knight was the first lion knight to rush under the walls of the magino line. He stood back against the wall and killed the blood letting people around him. He also witnessed how the activated limbs outside the wall were melted by the blood mist.

Bloodletting is not much trouble for a legendary strong man, but in the blood mist, these bloodletting people come and go without a trace, so that the lancelle knight had to gather their spirit to guard against the sneak attack.

To his dismay, the lancelle knight had arrived at the foot of the city wall and waited for five minutes. Less than 20 lion Knights gathered around him in the direction of his coming to defend against the wall.

You should know that the ebony cavalry chose the blasting location before. It was only 50 meters away from the magino line. It was less than 30 meters from the city wall when the lion Knights launched their charge and when they encountered the blood fog!

This time, the lancelle Knights mobilized 500 well-trained lion knights, each of whom had fought with the Roman Empire on the border. It was because they were too close that they did not have a mount.

Now, four hundred and eighty lion knights are missing in the distance of 30 meters. Lancher doesn't believe that these lion knights were wiped out in an instant. If chaos is so powerful, there is no need to fight this war.

Within the scope covered by the blood mist, the Ranger Knight's visual distance is not more than five meters, and the whole world is quiet. A little farther away, even the cries of other lion Knights will be covered up. The lancelle knight is more willing to believe that the rest of the lion knights are misled by the blood fog and lost.

"Lord lancher, we have found the entrance marked on the drawing!" A lion knight, clinging to the wall, came to the lancelle Knight: "but it has been blocked by the activated limbs. The blood mist outside can't get in, so can we."

Before leaving, the order of ebony and the order of lions had met with the builders of the magino line in advance. The europans provided quite comprehensive design drawings and helped them find the entrance to the interior of the magino line nearest to the blasting point.

The lancelle Knight followed the lion knight and moved slowly towards the entrance. Within a short distance of more than ten meters, he killed four bloodletting men. Other lion Knights also followed the Lancel knight.

These lion Knights carry space items, which are filled with explosives, food and spare equipment provided by the order of ebony armguards. In addition to searching for the lion king, they are also responsible for providing supplies for the surviving guards.

The lancelle Knight saw the hidden entrance. At the beginning of the design of the magino defense line, it was considered that part of the defense line was broken and both sides were attacked. Therefore, even the entrance facing the rear was also concealed.

The lion knights, led by the lancelle knights, hurled a large number of explosives into the opened entrance. Although the lion Knights did not want to be as proficient in the use of explosives as the ebony armguard knights, they were also very aware of the power of this new weapon.

With a few muffled noises, a large amount of flesh and blood was sprayed from the entrance. The lancelle Knight rushed in first, and a sword was covered with frost, freezing all the nearby activated tentacles into ice sculptures.

"Leave two men at the door and gather up the others." The lancelle knight took a look at the situation inside and left two lion knights at the entrance where the blood fog could not enter. He hoped that other lion knights would find here, and they would not all die in the blood mist...

in the trench, Keld had just killed his first bloodletting man. Hell, he never thought that there would be such a vicious world Things, so that when he saw the other side's beheaded sword, he opened fire subconsciously.

The bullets from the large caliber, over charged Musketeer directly smashed the opponent's Swordsman and half his crotch, which was all he could see.

But as the bloodletting man was knocked to the ground by a sudden attack, Keld also saw the other side's honor, a face that should only exist in a nightmare, but there was a nervous expression on this face.

Because Keld threw away the gun he had fired from his hand and pulled out another same, loaded musket from the outside of his thigh and aimed it in his face.

The bloodletting man looked at kyrd with his last eyes and laughed at each other with his mouth open before the blood mist disappeared.

At that moment, Celtic upgraded two levels in a row, and successfully raised his level to level 10. The comfort brought by the upgrade greatly eased the impact of firearm fire. If his back was not against the trench, I'm afraid he could not carry the recoil.Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, however, a huge beheaded sword penetrated the thick soil layer and armor plate on his head, penetrating him from the beginning to the end.

"Oh, what a sweet smell of blood, with a trace of triumphant pride." After drawing out his sword, he licked the blood on the decapitated sword with his long tongue.

The same thing happens all over the trench area, and these bloodletting people who can continue to regenerate are really troubled by the narrow passage and endless traps in the trench, but they will always be reborn in the blood fog, giving the defenders a fatal blow.

In the rear of the defense line, master Edward is taking a large number of high-level casters to calculate the parameters on the drawing. A large number of workers with magic stripe laying experience have completed the preliminary construction of magic array according to the data they provided.

However, master Edward's pressure is high, and the road before him is to protect the array. Once there is any mistake, the powerful power will burn more than 40% of the magic lines and nodes, and the spreading speed of blood mist will never give them a second chance to rearrange.

Every caster in the process of accounting is sweating because they know that they are carrying the survival of the civilization circle of the old world.

"That's it. We've done our best. We'll leave the rest to fate." After the third urging of the front commander, master Edward gave the order: "start the protection array!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!