[start first, change later ~]

with the rapid spread of the splendid competition on the first day, his majesty Reinhardt received four letters of formal diplomatic relations in the early morning of the next day, and the aboriginal circles in the old continent began to accept this powerful alien country.

They are adapting to the existence of foreign people, and the European empire shows them a rich, powerful, potential and responsible power image.

Of course, the most comfortable thing for him is the kindness from the woking church. What does it mean? This means that the influence of the Europa Empire has completely surpassed that of the old church. The last one to make the woking church swallow its breath is the loess area!

His majesty Reinhardt felt that the sky of the world was much bluer than that of the real world, the sun was warmer, the air was more fragrant, and his body was much better than the broken leather bag that had been replaced all over the world.

Last night, he was busy for several hours and showed his great style. He could look forward to the birth of the new prince. What a happy life!

However, the emergency news from the magino line cast a shadow on Reinhart's good mood. The Scouts of the magino line observed abnormal Magic Gathering 50 kilometers away from the line. The casters speculated that this might be a sign of a new round of chaotic evil tide.

As the guardian wing of the entire Europa Empire, the magino line of defense has been watched by countless eyes from the beginning. In order not to affect the progress of the magino defense line, the European empire even ventured to send troops to the Principality of Lucia to resist the chaos tide.

However, the speed of the construction of this line of defense has been unsatisfactory. Because of the problem of experience, designers have to modify the original design drawings again and again, and add or modify various anti chaos facilities according to the information fed back from the front line.

The construction team is also faced with many difficulties. They have to reduce the standard to meet the construction period.

The problem that really keeps Reinhardt and other big men awake at night is that up to now, the European empire has not provided enough soldiers to fill the defense lines, and almost one person from the central army and the local army has controlled half of the defense lines.

There are two completely different command systems on one defense line, which is definitely a nightmare for the defense side.

At the same time, outside the magino line of defense, the three evil gods are rubbing their hands, looking for opportunities to rush into the interior of the Europa Empire to have a big meal. Naturally, the God of blood, which has the strongest fighting ability, is still the leader.

Blood god believers are eager to please their gods with the most vivid soul and brutal fighting. Blood, skull, scream and corpse are their greatest pursuit. After the last blood tide, the blood god's power is unprecedented.

The naqol believers are not impatient and slow. For them, whether they are healthy or weak, they are good hotbeds. They don't want too much when they are young, and they don't dislike them when they are old. In any case, they can eat enough in the war.

and the believers of color are confident that they can take the lead in savoring the human soul before they can pierce the battle of the magic of Europa by their own means. They have their own eyes in every country, and the Empire of the empire is no exception.

Only the traitor, this time the traitor believers did not show up, but the other side has become accustomed to, these brain playing wizard always have their own small plans.

The blood red fog gradually blocked the sky in the occupied area, and all kinds of detection magic on the human side lost their effect, but now they can be sure that it is the return of the chaotic evil tide.

A small group of player scouts risked their lives to rush into the fog. As a result, they were easily captured by the Skinner of color evil. The big demon from sub space crossed the barrier of the world with his own strength, and synchronized the damage suffered by these people to their real bodies.

Blood red strip wounds appear in the real body of these brave people. These wounds skillfully avoid important blood vessels and cut off the muscle and muscle connection. With the constant alarm sound of the game room, their skin is completely peeled off along these incisions.

Under the buoyancy of nutrient solution, the empty skin floats in front of the original owner with blood sparkling. The empty eye socket is facing the lens which cannot be closed due to the loss of eyelids. Both sides almost smile at the same time.

Now, the EU can be sure that the chaos tide is really targeting them again, and the magino line is immediately at the highest level of combat readiness, and a large number of new weapons that have never been exposed to the aborigines are distributed to the defenders.

Ordinary soldiers are holding semi-automatic rifles that the Europa Empire has determined after careful consideration. With pre loaded ammunition, a skilled shooter can shoot 30 times in a minute.

This firing rate hardly takes into account the firepower density and the actual needs of soldiers. In fact, the only thing that has been repeatedly considered is that the production capacity of the rear factories can not keep up with the firing rate if it exceeds the firing rate, and there is excess capacity when it is lower than this firing rate.

In addition to this individual weapon, all kinds of new artillery were pushed into their positions by soldiers, and the magic locomotives used to carry trains in the rear were activated one by one, and slowly drove up the wall.

At least the rulers of the Europa Empire were aware of the dangers of the dimensionality reduction plan. There were various signs that the chaotic demons were waiting for their souls to become real and enjoy themselves in the world.However, the torch wood organization has provided countless data to prove that the threat from chaos has always been there. Only in this world, they have a better chance to solve those chaotic demons with the rules familiar to human beings.

Angel Andre has been to the magino line all night to use as a secret weapon. The Torchwood organization has not yet figured out how to explain the accident of the angel arrival plan with the big figures of the dawn church.

Even, no one can guarantee whether the next angelic goal can be as lucky as Andre. The soul of human and the soul of angel have reached an agreement in the same body. No one wants to bet on such a small probability event.

But the dimension reduction plan has been carried out to such an extent that Europa needs its guardians. They belong to the legendary power of the Europa themselves, rather than the despicable people who are willing to show up in absolute safety with a huge annual salary.

All in all, the torch wood organization decided to carry out the angelic plan.

"So this is what we paid so much for?" The Archbishop stood in the center of the secret base, looking up at the huge hole overhead: "do you still want us to provide another angel for a new one? Do you know how much it will affect the whole church for an angel who may have recovered himself to move freely outside? "

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