After a long time of immersion in Xu Yichen's blood, the flesh and blood of sister sin finally lost the consciousness of belonging to the individual. Although these flesh and blood still have a trace of activity, it is just the tenacious vitality of the flesh and blood blessed by the chaotic evil god.

If there is enough energy, the flesh and blood may eventually regenerate into an individual, and nun misar Brigitta's consciousness will never have a chance to reunite.

Xu Yichen did not hesitate to identify the remains of nuns as inducers.

"We have detected that your mutation inducer is the remains of sister Sein (chaos, activity)."

"The inducer is a high-risk inducer, which can easily lead to malignant mutation."

"This inducer is a rare level inducer. You have 30% probability to obtain [mutation]: charming appearance, 30% probability to obtain [mutation]: deformed body, 30% probability to obtain [mutation]: decadent sound, and 10% probability to obtain [mutation]: male breath."

Enchanting appearance: the flesh and blood of nun of lust and iniquity enhances your appearance. Your charm attribute + 1.

Deformed body: the flesh and blood of Nun Selin disturbs your genetic stability, causing you to have physical variation, which is irreversible, depending on the final shape, Charm - 4 to - 10.

Decadent voice: the flesh and blood of Nun Selin has transformed your vocal organs, making your voice hypnotic and enchanting. This effect is irreversible, uncontrollable and always on. The success rate is related to the will of the target.

Male breath: from the flesh and blood of sister sin, you can transform the hormone secretion system in your body to let you emit male breath all the time. In specific occasions, you can replace the charm attribute with physical strength attribute and strength attribute, unlimited times (please be careful of the law enforcement personnel).

"It has been detected that you have a special talent [iron and blood, kill it], and you have a special talent [pure fire], you will not be affected by the effect of [mutation]: deformed body, you will not be affected by the effect of [mutation]: decadent music."

"Do you use inducers: the remains of sister Sein (chaos, activity) to mutate?"

Xu Yichen looked at the inducer on his hand. This thing is worthy of the blessing of the color evil creature. It brings four mutation directions, one is more interesting than the other.

It is only in the last 100 years that demon hunters use chaotic biological tissues to induce mutation. Before chaos erodes the world, the old hunters in kelmohan have always used beasts or magical creatures as their main materials.

Among them, the dragon is the most coveted material provider for demon hunters. However, the strength of super large magic creatures and the increasingly rare number limit the demand of hunters.

Since the emergence of chaos, the number of times the dragon appears in this world has become less and less. It is said that this powerful ethnic group has left the world, holding the magic power of crossing the world.

Although every year some people claim to have seen the dragon's tracks or found its treasures, most of them are proved to be false news.

At that time, Xu Yichen also fantasized about Dragon slaughtering and preaching to stimulate his own mutation. But now it seems that his blood can purify chaos, and it is good to use chaos as inducer.

The demon hunter clicks OK, and the remains of Nun seini disappear in his palm. A strange feeling begins to spread from his body.

Some of the corners that had not been noticed began to change slowly.

Xu Yichen felt that his facial muscles were twisting, and the distance between his five senses had changed. However, as his muscles tightened, these abnormal movements disappeared.

Standing next to the demon hunter, ed felt that the celestines around him seemed to be a lot whiter and more handsome in an instant.

Ed looked at the other party in surprise, and saw the Celestine snort a little uncomfortable.

Ed, who was startled, took a closer look. He saw that the sailis was still the sailis, or the wheat skin, and the face was not angry and self-confident. The edges and corners were as sharp as steel chisels and iron carvings. What had changed.

I must have experienced too much. I have hallucinations just now.

Ed shook his head hard, feeling that he needed a good rest for months to recover.

"You gain the [mutation inducing: Enchanting appearance] effect, charm + 1. You ignore the effect of enchanting appearance on the body, but it does not affect the effect of mutation."

"Your class level is level 7, [class: Demon Hunter level 7 (30567110000)]."

The demon hunter, who gains a little more attribute, closes the character interface and takes several survivors to the steelwalker barracks. The survivors of fengxibao are waiting for them to go back and declare the victory of the survivors.

Xu Yichen began to think about how to further enhance his strength. Because of the server, he was limited by the far south colony and could not go to kelmohan to learn more fighting methods of demon hunters.

On the other side, a few pieces of "not so fragmentary Pendant" had been broken in front of his chest, which also made him rise to level 10 and the chance of grey knight to learn again turned into a bubble.Up to now, Xu Yichen can only start searching again for the necklace thrown out by grey knight from subspace to get in touch with each other again.

Since the demon hunter is a background occupation, Xu Yichen can have an inauguration ceremony and get a brand-new profession without worrying about any experience punishment.

However, due to the high intensity and experience coefficient of the background profession, most of the demon hunters will not distract their attention in other directions throughout their long life.

Just like Fan Li, a new assassin in the war group, his background and occupation is "Brotherhood Assassin", which has covered most of the talents and skills of the assassin profession. Therefore, few masters in Fan Li's line will work in the series of assassins.

More often, they will choose their own fighting style according to their own situation. For example, Fan Li's teacher Connor is a high-level crazy soldier.

Every time we engage in an assassination mission, we can sneak along. It doesn't matter if we are found out. It's also a kind of successful stealth that we don't leave living things in the places we pass.

Xu Yichen has not been exposed to many high-intensity occupations. Last time in godram, he met a guy who almost created a new career. Unfortunately, he was a man with bow and arrow.

Xu Yichen bypassed the pilgrimage road composed of the corpses of the undead, and the whole city became quiet. Without the roar of the undead, they walked on the open street, feeling that fengxibao was more like a dead city.

The city is dead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!