Chapter 67: Darkness is never sad

After returning to the dormitory, I gazed at the cloudy night sky from the small balcony. Tonight, not a single moon or star shone, just darkness.

“I wonder if it will rain tomorrow…”

As I murmured to myself, I felt someone’s presence behind me and turned around.


“Are you feeling unwell?”

Sanna, dressed in a simple negligee, looked at me with worried eyes.

“If it’s okay with you, please let everything out.”

As she smiled and patted her own chest, my heart began to ache.

“…Why are you so kind? You used to be afraid of me, right?”

I suddenly looked up at the sky. A miserable image of my own death floated and disappeared on the pitch-black screen.

Sanna quietly stood next to me and looked up at the sky, just like me.

“To be honest, I was afraid of Aliseteen-sama. It was partly because of your family name, but also because you always seemed so confident and treated everyone as if they were beneath you.”

“…Yes, that’s true.”

“However, as I got to know Aliseteen-sama over time, I realized that the person I saw on the surface wasn’t everything.”

Her expression was gentle as she spoke in a soft tone.

“Aliseteen-sama is someone who is very clumsy. But I like you that way. The reason why I want to be by your side now is not because you are the daughter of Duke Quatra, but because you are Aliseteen-sama.”


“Not everyone is as open-minded as God. In the end, we tend to reflect back what has been done to us like a mirror. If Aliseteen-sama feels that I am kind, it may be because you treat me that way.”

Tears overflowed from my eyes without my being able to hold them back. I never thought that she felt this way in her heart.

In my first life, I indulged in my environment, lost myself, despised others, and died alone as a result.

Even in my second life, I have made countless mistakes. Saved by Lili, saved by Julian-sama, saved by kind people, and just now, saved by Sanna.

Being born into the Duke Quatra family was not my own doing. And yet, I had always been under the misconception that I was standing alone.

Surely, in my previous life, I must have lived thanks to the help of various people as well.

“What should I do? I don’t have a handkerchief with me.”

Seeing me crying, Sanna panicked and eventually offered me her own Negligee. I smiled softly.

“Thank you, Sanna. Thanks to you, I feel really brave.”

Everyone is saved by someone. And wanting to save someone in return, just as we were saved.

“I won’t run away forever. I’ll fight myself.”

Looking up at the sky again, there is still nothing shining in it.

But I thought that deep black darkness was so beautiful.