A gentle man, in front of Gwen, completely turned into a beast.

The man turned into a monster is three meters tall, with black hair all over his body and a pair of terrifying fangs. He looks like a standing man

"Wild boar?"

Gwen whispered, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He looked at Peter and the three of them, and the four nodded to each other. When they were about to attack, with an excited howl, the boar monster bowed and rushed towards them.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wild boar monster trampled on the ground, leaving footprints all over the cracks. With white steam rising from its nose, it hit them straight.

Just as the two sides were about to collide, Gwen jumped up, Peter rolled over, and several spider threads shot from their spider thread launchers. At the same time, they fell on the monster like a web, and Luke and Harry also slid past the monster. They grabbed the spider web violently and worked hard with Peter and Gwen.

In an instant, the sprinting boar monster stopped.

Although the boar monster looks strong, the four of them are not vegetarian.

The boar monster howled hard, but Gwen four quickly exchanged eyes. After Harry and Luka caught the boar monster, Peter and Gwen rushed to the boar monster.

The spider silk launcher was adjusted to the spider web mode, and a large number of spider webs flew to the boar monster.


The wild boar monster laughed wildly, and its hair stood up one by one.

The spider senses the alarm, Gwen and Peter shrink their eyes and say, "hide!"

The two hurried away, while Luke and Harry crossed their hands to cover their faces.

The next second, the black spear on the boar monster shot out like bullets.

Ding Ding!

Black bristles and Luke's armor made a crisp sound, and the armor that could resist ordinary bullets even had fine scars.

The two were startled and hurried away.

The long black hair, like a dense rain, shot everything around in holes.

A few seconds later, the black arrow rain stopped. Gwen saw that the boar monster had broken through the blockade of spider silk, and the enemy's reinforcements had appeared.

Looking at a dozen enemies, Gwen looked cold.

"It needs to be solved as soon as possible!"

Gwen whispered, but as soon as she took action, the fur on the boar monster stood up.

Seeing this, several people hurried to hide behind the bunker.

"Hahaha! A bunch of bugs!"

The boar monster laughed sarcastically.

At this time, Luke said faintly, "I'll go! I'll beat him. His mother won't recognize him."

"Huh?" Gwen was stunned and said, "is he a mutant?"

"My feelings tell me... Yes!"

Luke's mouth curled coldly.

After years of practice, his ability can not only be controlled autonomously, but also vaguely feel whether the other party is a mutant.

"OK, I'll leave it to you!"

Gwen nodded to Luke on the other side, his eyes twinkled, and said with a smile, "let's see who can solve it more!"

"Ha! It must be me!"

Harry grinned, took a bomb off his belt and threw it out.

The bomb rolled quickly down the floor, and the red light spot flashed on the bomb.

The boar monster cursed and hurried away with his men.


With a popping sound, flames and black smoke burst from the bomb, splashing everywhere, as if the whole space was swallowed up by flames.

At this time, Gwen four people broke through the flame like four sharp arrows and appeared in front of the enemy.

The boar monster shrunk his eyes and said, "attack!"

As he spoke, the hairs on his body stood up again, and the guards around him threw the super energy medicine in their hands into their mouths.

Most of those who can be security guards on this ship can take super energy drugs. As the super energy drugs are thrown into their mouths, those security guards show all kinds of super abilities.

At this time, Luke rushed straight to the boar monster, and Gwen three rushed to the security personnel.

Luke's eyes twinkled with coldness, and he sneered at the long black hair that was about to be launched on the boar monster.

"Purification field, open!"

Invisible power spreads around him. Although the diameter is only a few meters, it is enough!


The boar monster was stunned.

He felt the strength in his body waning.

No, it's not feeling, it's really fading.

Jasper watched the long black hair on his body slowly disappear, and his body, which had soared due to his ability to use, returned to its original shape. He was a little confused.

Why... Is it gone?

Jasper just had a question in his mind, and a constantly enlarged fist fell on his eyes.


Jasper screamed miserably, his head tilted back, and hurried back two steps.

"It's you! You make my ability disappear!"

Jasper looked at Luke incredulously, and the excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes had turned into fear.

Jasper's arrogance and madness are only things that appear on the premise of ability. With the disappearance of ability, these emotions also dissipate.


Luke sneered and greeted Jasper with his fist in his face.

"Didn't you say we were bugs?"

"Aren't you arrogant?"

"Can't you shoot?"

"Shoot! Hit!"

Every time Luke said a word, his fist would fall on Jasper. If Gwen hadn't told Luke not to stun each other, Jasper would have been happy to faint.

"Help me!"

Jasper shouted with blood spurting from his mouth.

But when he looked around and noticed that the guards were almost finished by Gwen and the three of them, he couldn't help scolding: "a group of waste, should be sent to the experiment, you... Ah!"

Luke's fist fell on Jasper's mouth, making the other party swallow all the remaining words, and the whole person fell to the ground, closed his eyes and fainted.

Seeing this, Luke sneered.

It's OK not to mention the experiment. When I mention the experiment, I think of the just irritating scene.

Luke sat down on Jasper angrily, and when he heard the stuffy hum of the other party inadvertently, he was stunned and sneered.


As Gwen and Peter pulled up the spider silk and knocked the last two security personnel together, the battle was finally over after knocking them unconscious.

But there are more enemies coming this way.

Hearing footsteps, Gwen walked up to Jasper and said to Peter and Luke, "hold the passage."


The two nodded.

Gwen walked up to Jasper with a sneer and asked Luke to lift Jasper and punch him in the other side's abdomen.


Jasper stared and cried out in pain, and then his eyes were attracted by the flame in Gwen's eyes, staring at Gwen's eyes blankly, trembling gently with pain.

A few seconds later, the blue flame in Gwen's eyes disappeared.


She said faintly, and Luke immediately threw Jasper, who had fainted, on the ground, and then clicked on the controller on his forearm.


With a burst sound, a big hole appeared in the cabin bulkhead. Luke took off a bomb again and threw it into the passage. The four people jumped out of the big hole and walked away quickly on the hovering flying skateboard.

Two flames left a gorgeous trace in the air and fell on the beach.

After the four of Gwen quickly entered the RV, the car moved again, and Gwen said to the crowd, "the man just now is Jasper, the project leader of super medicine. He works for a large biotechnology company."

"That company has developed super drugs and tried to change the whole world with super drugs. Now it has entered the global testing process. After the super drugs are improved and the mortality rate is continuously reduced, they will be sold publicly, just like ordinary cold drugs."

"Like selling common cold medicine?"

The four of Peter were startled.

"Yes! As long as you want, anyone can have super abilities!"

Gwen nodded.

Peter said seriously, "this will make the whole world extremely chaotic!"

Not everyone has the binding force that can control their behavior, especially after having strong super power.

"Not only that, after the popularity of super drugs, the company will also control the whole world with the help of super drugs."

After everyone has experienced the super power medicine and possessed the power, who is willing to abandon the power?

At that time, everyone can't live without super drugs, and super drugs are made by that company, that is to say, everyone can't live without that company, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the world in disguise.

Gwen opened the space door with a communication ring as he spoke.

This time, they appeared directly at Kent genius hero school.

At the moment of their appearance, Charles noticed the arrival of several people. After using his ability to make several people wait for a while, he appeared in front of their RV.

"Bang bang!"

Charles knocked on the door with a smile.

Gwen opened the door.

"Hey, guys, good evening... Hey! Don't pull me!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! Time is pressing!"

Gwen shouted and dragged Charles directly in.

Charles smiled helplessly and said to Gwen, "Why are you like Eric? Things are always hot and fast."

"This is vigorous and resolute!" Gwen rolled his eyes and said, "when you finish this, there will be time for you to talk nonsense."

Charles laughed and said, "come on, go to Russia."

He saw Harry and the three of them looking at him in surprise, smiled and said, "I already know what happened from Gwen."

He pointed to Gwen's brain and said to Gwen, "time is urgent, doesn't it matter?"

Gwen nodded.

The next second, the space door appeared not far in front of them, Gwen stepped on the accelerator, Charles staggered, and the RV rushed with the crowd.

The car passed through the portal, but it appeared in mid air. Amid the screams of everyone, it slipped through the night sky and landed on the roof of a building.


The car seemed to fall apart with a roar, and several people in the car hurriedly grabbed the things around them and stood firmly.

"Damn it! Gwen! Where did you set the location of the space gate!"

Charles looked at Gwen angrily.

Gwen laughed and said, "the roof of the target building!"

"You little madman! Do you drive like this?"

Charles strode to Gwen and poked him in the head.

Gwen frowned and whispered, "brother, save me some face in front of others!"

Seeing this scene, Peter burst out laughing.

Charles rubbed Gwen's hooded head hard and smiled helplessly.

Gwen squinted and said, "brother, you can do it."

"I still need you to explain!"

Charles said faintly, "just now I have controlled everyone here. Now they are having a dream, or the sound of the RV falling down."

"Wow! Brother is professional!"

Gwen did not hesitate to flatter and give a thumb.

Charles frowned and said, "he is sleeping on the top floor now."

But the picture is not suitable for children.

This building belongs to the other party's industry and headquarters, while the top floor belongs to the other party's individual.

In other words, Charles can get all the people here.

"Wait here."

Charles said faintly, and his heart moved. He manipulated the target with his ability. After putting on his clothes, he walked up to the roof.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in pajamas and as strong as a bear appeared in front of the RV.

"It's him, andreandre andrevich, boss of Isala biotechnology."

Charles inquired of Gwen.

Gwen nodded a lot and said, "yes, I saw that bastard Jasper in his memory."

Charles nodded, his ability invaded the other party's head and said, "I'm sure it's him, not a double."

With that, he pinched his chin and muttered, "it's more serious than Gwen you said."


Gwen winked.

"He has four research bases in the world, and the experimental sites are all over a dozen countries. Many people have been supporters of super drugs, and..."

He looked at andreandrevich and sneered, "he is the remnant of Hydra."


"Does this organization still have members?"

Gwen asked in surprise.

"There are still very few residues."

Charles said faintly, knocked on his head, and said to Gwen, "I'll deal with it here. You go back. It takes a little time to solve it completely“

The research base outside, the circulation channel of super energy drugs, these things need to be completely eliminated, and to eliminate these, one night is not enough, but also need more people to cooperate in order to find the discharged super energy drugs.

Although there is no guarantee of 100%, at least most can be recovered.

The most important thing is to solve it from the source.

Moreover, super medicine will be coveted by many parties. It is best to seal up the research data or destroy it directly, and this step is best done before tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Charles immediately issued an order to andreandrevich to leave the only backup of the research data to him and destroy other data.

Andreandrevich turned and left.

Charles smiled at Gwen and said, "go back to bed. You have to go to school tomorrow. The superhero Association will remember your credit."


Several people answered happily.