Gwen five people carefully explored in the base, three eyes in front of the five people, paying attention to the surrounding situation, while Tony scanned the base with his battle clothes, searching and drawing a map at the same time.

The base is bigger than they thought.


The sound of fighting outside constantly rushed into their ears, like a drum that urged them to act, making their actions unconsciously accelerate.

Dodging the clone weapons that constantly rushed out of the base and joined the battlefield, several people looked at the direction of the appearance of the clone weapons and accelerated their steps to move in the past.

As they continued to explore, Tony's map gradually took on an outline.

An inverted pyramid shape extending downward.

According to the map explored so far, this base should have five floors.

Now, they are on the third layer. Normally, the backup device should be on the fifth layer.


Suddenly, Gwen stopped, as if feeling something, and walked into the fork on the left.

Tony was stunned and said, "we have to speed up to the next floor."

"I think there's something there."

Gwen hesitated, and she felt a strong emotion that made her heart tremble.

She has to go and have a look.

Gwen's eyes were firm and he whispered, "I'll go and have a look by myself. You go to the next floor."


Peter grabbed Gwen and said, "have you forgotten the horror film theorem?"

Cannot be dispersed

Gwen was stunned, couldn't help laughing and said, "Peter, this is not a horror movie."

"This is more terrible than horror movies."

Peter looked at Gwen stubbornly.

When Gwen was ready to give up, Tony said, "let's go and have a look quickly, and then go to the next floor."

Perhaps, Mr. Jing evil will violate common sense and put the consciousness backup instrument on the third layer.

The group quickly took action.

Through the long dark corridor, when they came to the corridor camera, their eyes suddenly opened up.

It was a fairly large circular space, like an ancient Colosseum.

In the center of this space, there is a very conspicuous device.

It was like an upright coffin, also like a hibernation chamber, and around the hibernation chamber, there were two clones.

But these are not important, because their eyes have been attracted by the people in the dormant warehouse.

Superman, Clark!

Seeing this scene, several people were extremely shocked, and Gwen almost shouted out.

Clark is really not dead!

She looked excitedly at Clark in the sleep chamber.

Just then, Mike's voice rang out in their communicator.

"Mr. jing'e is out. Hurry up."

Based on his confidence in his own strength and his clone weapons, Mr. Jing evil appeared in the battlefield and wanted to have a close experience of these unprecedented abilities.

Hearing Mike's voice, Gwen reacted quickly.

This is not the time to save Clark.

As long as you do it, you will definitely startle Mr. jing'e, and then Mr. jing'e's consciousness will be backed up

Clean up the consciousness backup first!

Making a decision, Gwen looked deeply at Clark in sleep, nodded to Tony and left quickly.

The third layer has been searched, and they will start the search of the fourth layer.

The area of the fourth layer is much smaller than that of the third layer. When they enter the fourth layer and see the clones in the nutrition tank and the dense cloning instruments, they know that they are looking for the right one.

Unfortunately, they still haven't found the machine to store Mr. jing'e's backup.

Just as they were about to go to the last floor, Tony stopped the four people, pointed to the cloning machines, muttered thoughtfully, "maybe these machines are in the same network as Mr. jing'e's backup device. I'll try it first."

With that, he went to the instruments, connected the steel armor with them, and began to operate.

Research records, gene inventory, gene combination sequence

Jarvis searched quickly.

Two minutes later, Tony's eyes lit up.


According to the previous records of accessing the gene bank, he found a secret access channel, and then through this channel, he found the backup of Mr. Jing evil's consciousness.


There are thirteen conscious backups.

These conscious backups are located around the world.

Tony looked at the data while using the cleanup program to start the cleanup.

Previously, they met a similar person when the Avengers were on a mission.

The man transferred his consciousness to the machine. After killing the other party, Tony studied the information left by the other party.

The current removal program is developed based on the original research.

The process of cleaning up was very smooth, but Tony found a strange problem after cleaning up.

Mr. jing'e's backup consciousness has several records of starting, and the place of starting is here, on... The fifth floor!

Tony's eyes changed when he saw this record and remembered some experimental records he had just seen.

There is a terrible thing on the fifth floor. Now that he has cleared the backup consciousness, it is likely to have started.


With a low cry, he rushed to the third floor immediately.

Gwen followed out with three eyes.

Although they are curious about what happened, looking at Tony's expression, now is obviously not an opportunity to ask.

Tony and his party are very fast.

After leaving the fourth floor, they immediately rushed to the place where Clark was found.

And just as they rushed, two scarlet spots appeared in the dark underground space on the fifth floor.


He came out of the broken nutrient tank, and drops of green nutrient liquid slowly fell down his body, like a sculpture, and stopped in place.

After a few seconds, he seemed to adapt to his body and began to move slowly.

At the same time, Tony, who had run to the third floor, told Mike that the backup of consciousness had been cleared.

At the moment of getting the news, Mike, standing quietly waiting on the beach, flashed a red light in his eyes and looked at the battlefield in the distance.


With a bang, a shallow pit appeared on the beach under Mike's feet, and Mike had disappeared.

He has been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

And the eight people he embodied, in the case of an endless stream of enemies, only changmen and yuzhibo weasel were left.


With a terrible sonic boom, Mike flying from a distance smashed several clones in front of him and rushed straight to Mr. Jing evil.

Seeing this behind the scenes, changmen and yuzhibo weasel showed a smile, gathered the last chakra and killed the enemies around.

On the other hand, with Luke's purification ability, Tony has successfully sneaked in and killed the two mutant clones with strong spiritual ability to suppress Clark.

Gwen opened the sleeping chamber and looked at Clark with his eyes closed. His eyes were red.