"In principle, you should come from the gate. How could you come out of the alley?" Gu Xiaowan then asked.

The woman didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to find out that she came out of the alley. She was so scared that she shivered: "I I It's near there. I'm in a hurry to tell me, old man, that's Short cut, short cut! "

Gu Xiaowan looked at the woman kneeling on the ground. She was about 50 years old. She was not tall, but not short. Her face was dark. There were many black spots on her face and bare arms. It seemed that she was exposed to the sun all the year round.

"Does your husband live by hunting?" Gu Xiaowan asked quietly.

"How do you know?" Obviously, the woman didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to know that they lived by hunting, so she looked up at Gu Xiaowan suspiciously.

When Xiao Wan looked down at her eyes, she found that she was looking down at her eyes.

The girl's manner was too strong. It was the first time that she had seen such a beautiful girl, but still so gloomy, after all these years of life.

That pair of eyes, like the eyes of a poisonous snake, can see your heart.

"Within a hundred miles of the capital, there is no hunting place at all. The only place that can hunt is the royal hunting ground. You common people can't go in. You have to hunt for a living, and you can't live in the capital. Therefore, you are not from the capital at all! The pamphlet you have in your hand is someone else's

When the woman saw Gu Xiaowan, she guessed it. Then she was paralyzed and said, "you How do you know, how do you know? "

"Come on, who sent you to the Ministry of housing to make trouble? And who sent you to say that? When your husband wants to die in front of the door, you watch as a widow

Gu Xiaowan had a strong momentum, but now she talks like ice. The woman only felt like she was in an ice cave, and her whole body was cold.

"I I... " The woman's face showed a touch of despair, like a pool of mud, collapsed to the ground.

The man who cried out that his mother-in-law was dead outside. When amo heard the voice, he suddenly flew up and caught the man in.

The man who came was KODAN, standing fearlessly at the door of the door.

Gu Ning'an saw the sentence that Kuo Dan had just called, and his eyes widened at the moment!

Sister, what are you going to do? How did you send cordan out?

"What's wrong with you, girl? Why don't you talk? Why did you fall off the top? Is your household registration wrong? Don't be afraid. Let's fight for justice together One of the men who was clamoring for business said softly.

KODAN took a look at him, then looked at the men next to him, and still did not speak!

The man who wanted to die looked at KODAN in a daze. At this time, he thought of something and began to search for life and death: "I'm not alive. I'm not alive. Mother, you're waiting for me!"

"This big brother, if you want to die, you have to wait first. Who was calling just now? You say this is your mother-in-law? " Ah Mo pointed to KODAN and asked with a smile.

Mother in law?

When they looked at them, they saw that the man was more than 50 years old, but the girl was still less than 20 years old?

How could it be? This man can be the girl's grandfather!

"How could it be? They are so different! You can be a grandfather Someone yelled.

"It's none of my business. Someone gave me this. Let me shout outside. I'm sorry. I don't know if your mother is dead or not."

The middle-aged man was stunned, then looked at the woman and suddenly asked, "who are you?"

People see here, there are smart also understand what is going on!

Looking at their appearance and age, they don't look like husband and wife!

"I, I took other people's gold, let me shout, it's none of my business, it's none of my business! I don't know him KODAN pretended to be frightened and took out gold from his arms and threw it on the ground. The man's face became more and more ugly.

Not only ugly, but also worry and fear!

For the head of a few people's face is very ugly, a moment blue, while purple, looking at the woman's fist clenching.

If they didn't know that amo was very good at martial arts, they would have to jump up and tear up the woman alive!

Su Peian saw that it was a false alarm, and he also cried, "nonsense!" Originally thought that this person is really full support!

AMO sneered: "you take other people's gold, just shout like this. You know, there will be human lives here. If you do, it's the business of Hubu. Hubu bears the burden of hurting people's lives. If you go to the big city, no one in Hubu can get away safely!"

A Mo's words, let Su Peian startled a lifetime of cold sweat.

Then he remembered what he had just said to Qi Xuangang.That's right. The woman was bribed to say this on purpose. If she died, the whole household department would be in bad luck. And this woman is clearly bought, the person behind, has ulterior motives.

This is to take the whole household to follow the head of the ground ah!

Su Peian was in a cold sweat behind his back. He had been an official for so many years. Now that he is in an important position, he is not as transparent as a small bodyguard. Now he looks at amo gratefully.

Then he snapped: "come on, catch up the evil woman who lied about the information, be instructed by others, disturb the hearts of my people, and put them into prison for strict interrogation."

Gu Ningan glanced at Kou Dan. Just as he wanted to speak, he shook his head gently. Then he was obediently carried into the house by two tall bodyguards like an eagle catching a chicken. At the moment, he shocked the people present.

The man who had to die just now did not want to die. He just watched the woman hysterically taken away.

Walking away, it seems that you can hear the woman's shrill roar: "I don't know, I don't know anything, someone gave me money to shout, I don't know him! Please let us go

The man was obviously confused and couldn't get back to God for a long time.

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