Even if Qin Zhuzhi told her not to worry, she could not rest assured.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward, took Qin Shuozhi's hand, and said, "brother of traction, I want to go with you."

First of all, Qin Xun frowned, then opened his mouth, looked at Gu Xiaowan's firm appearance, nodded with a smile and said, "good!"

Qin zuozhi, Gu Xiaowan and a Mo walked out side by side.

Outside is Jin Yougui, see Gu Xiaowan and Qin Tuozhi out.

When the person he was looking for came out, he pointed to Qin and said with a smile: "you little bastard surnamed Qin, you really dare to come out! I'll calculate the account with you this time! "

This Jinyou guiben is a local ruffian monk. Although he has today's tremendous wealth, but the dog can not change to eat shit!

In addition to the words, two out of three are dirty words. The people around him have been used to it for a long time, but Qin Tuozhi frowned.

Little bastard?

Qin Xuzhi sneers in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at Jin Yougui as if to see through his mind.

A pair of long and narrow beautiful Phoenix eyes, slightly squint up, like a sword.

Jin Yougui is afraid of Qin Zhuzhi's eyes, but he dodges.

The look in his eyes was terrible.

A hundred times more terrible than that man!

At the thought of this idea, Jin Yougui also made some self mockery. This little bastard surnamed Qin could not compare with the king who was above ten thousand people. He wanted to think more!

Think of here, Jin Yougui or dare not lose half of the spirit: "surnamed Qin, today I come to ask you back that account."

Qin drag see those people will come forward, suddenly cold smile.

Standing in the breeze of the early morning, standing in the breeze, the clothes are floating, but there is a posture of immortals. The bearing of the whole body makes Jin You Gui quite a little frightened.

"Jin Yougui..." Qin's voice was as cold as ice.

Jin Yougui heard Qin's icy voice calling himself and jerked unconsciously.

Others did not see it, but Qin Zhuzhi has been staring at him, but in his eyes.

That gold friend GUI sees Qin drag's eye son to flash immediately satire, know oneself just that that embarrassed action was Qin to see in the eye, look immediately bad. "You little son of a bitch, what are you laughing at?" he said

Qin Tuozhi still smiles, knowing that Jin Yougui is upset.

"You What are you laughing at? " Jin Yougui has never had such a lack of confidence, even when he went out to chop people with a knife before, he was not so afraid!

"I laugh that you don't know when you die." Qin Xuzhi's words were like a knife directly inserted into Jin Yougui's chest,

he was a little stunned, but then he reacted again, guessing that Qin Xuzhi must be tripping himself, and he must not be fooled by him.

So, looking around at a group of people around, sarcastically said: "I'm dying, you don't see who is dying now."

"Do you think you can survive by killing me?" Qin drag one voice sneer: "do you know, your that precious son that day in public abducts the girl who is actually?"

"Who is it?" Jin Yougui didn't dare to be slighted, although he knew that Qin's words were the cover of this matter!

No matter how much he believed in himself, Qin Tuozhi continued: "Tan Zhanshen, have you heard of it?"

"Tan Zhanshen? Do you mean Tan yehang

Jin Yougui is a man who has seen the world. When he was a local ruffian, it was when Tan Yexing was in the army.

Tan Yexing's heroic deeds have long been spread among the people.

Tan Yexing's story and myth, this man is more like a God.

On the battlefield, one person repels hundreds of enemy soldiers!

In the eyes of the enemy, this man is a devil!

But in the eyes of the people, this man is their patron saint!

The people loved and supported Tan Yexing, and even gave him the title of God of war, just to express their worship for him.

When Jin Yougui was a gangster, he naturally heard a lot of things about Tan Yexing. His heart was hot and dry. Naturally, he regarded Tan Yexing as a hero in his mind.

This time I heard Qin Zhuzhi talking about Tan Yexing, and I couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Do you know tanyexing?" Jin Yougui didn't think about it, so he opened his mouth.

Qin Zhuzhi nodded: "I know not only Tan Yexing, but also her granddaughter."

"You mean that girl that day?" Jin Yougui frowned.

According to Jin Shikai, one of the three children is surnamed tan.

If that girl is really someone from tanyexingJin Yougui's heart beat the drum!

Although Tan Yexing is no longer in the military camp now, the Emperor himself issued an imperial edict to invite him back to the capital to provide for the aged. His status is noble, of course, extraordinary.

Hushi general, that can be the second grade official!

When Jin Yougui thought of this, he murmured.

Since Tan Yushu has already offended him, he certainly won't give Jin Jiahao fruit to eat, so why not just

Jin Yougui's face flashed with ferocity. When he raised his head, he looked at Qin zhanzhi, and his eyes flashed with fierce light: "you little bastard, you dare to cheat you, Laozi and me!"

The man of the Jin family is really rude.

The young say Laozi, the old also say Laozi!

Seeing Jin Yougui's hesitation, Qin Tuo heard Jin Yougui continue to say: "Tan Zhanshen died in his early years, his son and daughter-in-law, where's the granddaughter? Don't bluff me! Believe it or not, I'll shoot you

Qin Zhuzhi saw Jin Yougui a little hesitant just now. Now he has to kill him quickly. He immediately understands Jin Yougui's mind.

Simply, one does not do two endless, kill them to understand hate again.

What is Tan Yushu's identity? He doesn't care!

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