Last year, these grapes did not bear fruit, and I don't know if they will bear this year!

"Ning'an, these vines were planted last year. Do you remember whether there were grapes on the vine last year?" Gu Xiaowan suddenly asked.

Gu Ning'an didn't expect that his sister would ask such a question. He thought for a moment and replied, "no, last year, Mr. Xu brought a lot of grapes from Minshan. We ate grapes at Mr. Xu's house last year."

"Do you know why there are no grapes on this vine?" Gu Xiaowan asked again.

"It may be that the vine has not yet reached its age." Gu Ningan thought for a moment and replied.

As the saying goes, peach three plum four apricot five years, that is, these fruits grow into the least time to spend.

"Ning'an, even fruit trees and fruits are the same. If you have time, you will not bear fruit when you are young. Aren't people the same? You are still young. When you reach the age limit, you will pass the examination naturally. We are not in a hurry. Take your time! " Gu Xiaowan used fruit trees as an example.

But Gu Ning'an's face suddenly became sad. There was no one around him. He just leaned on the shelf built by the vines and said, "sister, I feel terrible! Everyone in the family is doing things for the family. It's just me. Besides spending money at home, you have to take care of me! I'm really sad in my heart. Even Xiaoyi now makes so much money for her family. I'm the only one left. I'm good for nothing except reading books... " Gu Ningan blamed himself and said, "no, even reading is not good. I'm the only one. I don't do anything for my family, and I'm always holding everyone back

Gu Ningan almost finished his speech with a cry.

Gu Xiaowan listened, this heart ache with others hand in clench her heart!

"Ning'an!" She quickly came forward, a will Gu Ningan embrace, heartache said: "what are you saying? You're a part of the family. Where are you holding everyone back? "

"Sister I hate myself. I thought I would try my best to win honor in my sister's face, but not only did I fail in the exam, but also hurt my sister to make others laugh at me Gu Ning'an was in tears.

When Gu Xintao came to the house to scold, what he said was so ugly.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes are blind. It is clear that Gu Ningan is a material for ploughing and planting land, and he has to send him to study.

Send to read also just, still always pretend to understand everything, finally saw the real chapter in the exam, the bottom of the person to test out.

Unexpectedly, there are still students who secretly scold Mr. Xu's family.

Mr. Xu's family did not know how much benefit Gu Xiaowan's family had received, and kept a waste as a treasure.

Gu Ning'an will still go to the jade Book Building on time every day, more or less heard such words.

This heart also more sad, more self blame.

Blame yourself for being so useless!

"Fool, what kind of ridicule! If they want to laugh, let them laugh! Ning'an, my sister told you, you just entered the school a few years ago, and it's normal that you can't pass the exam because you are young! Didn't my sister tell you that day? I don't care if you have passed the exam. The key is that we should learn how to be a man. I believe, this as long as you always hold a progressive heart, this year's exam, we will be able to test next year! At that time, you will give your sister a long face! Let all those who laugh at us go to hell Gu Xiaowan hugs Gu Ningan and pats his shoulders to smooth his breath.

"But, sister, if I can't pass the exam next year?" Gu Ningan asked cautiously.

"Not next year. There will be another year! If we can't pass the exam again, we'll take another way. All roads lead to Rome. My sister believes that one day, you will be our mainstay. " Gu Xiaowan longed for it.

However, Gu Ningan had some doubts: "sister, where is Rome?"

"Rome..." Gu Xiaowan said in his heart, "Rome is the place where we can live a good life. This road won't work. Let's go another way. You see, when we come out of Wuxi village, the road is getting wider and wider? Now we have bought shops and opened moon Pavilion in Beijing. I believe that our life will only get better and better. Your task is, do not have miscellaneous thoughts, study wholeheartedly! You are not required to be the number one scholar in the examination, but you must always have a heart of seeking knowledge and making progress! Even if you can only be a teacher in the future, it is also a great good thing to carry things with great virtue, just like Mr. Xu and them! "

Gu Xiaowan's words made Gu Ningan's heart feel better after several days of haze.

Grinning from the corner of the mouth, the eyes finally have a happy color: "sister, I will work hard!"

The result is not important, the important thing is to look for the result on the way, whether has always been high spirited upward posture!

After this, Gu Ningan's mood was obviously much better, and there was a smile on his face.

Every day, or as usual, go out early and return late, go to Yu Shu Lou to read and practice calligraphy.

Because Gu Ziwen was admitted to the scholar's college, he was almost praised by his classmates and was about to fly to the sky.Today is not the student doing East, invited Gu Ziwen to dinner, tomorrow is the student doing East, invited Gu Ziwen to the theatre.

A group of scholars, but those who eat, drink and play style to the extreme.

Xu Chengze is not busy at this time.

Since he came back from Ruixian County, he had a big question mark in his heart.

After the last children's test, he asked Gu Ningan about his exam.

There were five exams in a row. Gu Ning'an remembered the contents of each exam and the answers he gave.

Xu Chengze was very satisfied with his answer, and even Xu Xianlin praised his writing.

However, Gu Ziwen heard that he once slept for half an hour in the examination room, and he got all his papers wet.

When I want to hand in the paper, I found that I wrote more than half of my answer, and there was nothing behind.

So he was really surprised to see Gu Ziwen's name at the top of the list. , the fastest update of the webnovel!