
Name:The Fake Marriage Author:
"Why is it so hot?"

He looked even more handsome than usual.

In the darkness, she felt herself being lifted up into the air. Like so many idols, the male lead was holding up the injured female lead. Wasn't it better that the female lead was holding onto the male lead's neck?

But what should he do? Her arm seemed to be pulled down by something, sinking, sinking … Unable to break free, she was forced into that dark whirlpool.

Crap, her ears can't hear anything anymore. Brother Mu's voice was so nice to listen to, she couldn't even hear it …

As long as she did not wake up, Brother Mu would hold her like this. It was as if she had passed by, so even if she could not hear, what could she do? She has a Brother Mu …

So, heaven pity me, let me never wake up.

Su Qi had a very, very beautiful dream. In the dream, it was filled with warm and warm images of her and the Brother Mu.

She accompanied him to the most boring political and ideological lesson, and in exchange he allowed her to eat Ma Chou Yan, and they studied together, holding hands and strolling along the boulevard … In the past, the Brother Mu was like an ordinary man. Because he could not control his desire, he almost broke through the last barrier.

But in the end, he stopped!

He said: I must keep the best until my wedding night. You are an angelic girl, and naturally worthy of my patience.

He cherished her so much, he loved her so much, she was moved to tears.

Later, when they were married, he never touched her. Grandma said that when a man has a child he changes his nature, so she drugged him.

She wanted to have a child. As long as she had a child, even if Brother Mu was not by her side, she would not be so lonely … Child... Child...

A young and tender face appeared in his mind. That face was exactly the same as the Brother Mu's, even if he fell into a coma, the corner of Su Qi's mouth still slightly raised upwards.

Did he think of something blissful? Mu Xiaochen sat on the side of the bed and looked at the woman's pale face with a gentle gaze. He extended his hand out wanting to touch the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Mu..."

These three words came out of Su Qi's mouth as the man's hand suddenly stopped three inches away from her.

Brother Mu... Brother Mu again!

The man's fingers tightened bit by bit!

In her heart, there was only her Brother Mu!

Withdrawing his hand, Mu Xiaochen did not know what was the point of staying here. He stood up and left the sickroom in large strides.

Walking out of the ward, the man angrily punched the wall.

He thought that he could pretend to be Brother Mu and had a loving couple with her. He thought that he could use his identity as Brother Mu to cure her amnesia.


With his head against the wall, Mu Xiaochen tightly closed his eyes. He couldn't do it! He was unable to face Su Qi who saw himself as someone else, unable to use her to mistake himself as the Brother Mu, and so, to caress and touch her …

After a long while, Mu Xiaochen called Yin Zheng, "Get your wife to take care of Susu!"

After reporting the address, without waiting for Yin Zheng to speak, Mu Xiaochen cut off the phone and quickly left the hospital.

Here, he could not stay a moment longer, or else he would go mad!