Chapter 1483: 2 flowers

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
"I lost it!"

Seeing the activation of the mountain guard, the entire gate of the Shangqing school was shrouded, and Bai Xiaowen spat out.

Would you like to get started?

However, this also confirms the rareness of Bai Xiaowen's "Thousand Soul Jade" from the side. Even the Shang Qing School pulled their faces down, regardless of their previous favors.

Sure enough, epic items are not so easy to obtain—under the true rules of the evolutionary plane, Bai Xiaowen can of course collect Qianhun Jade directly into the bag without having to pick up loot and other conditions, but it also means that he must suffer a powerful spirit. Puppet of the forces of the world.

By the time Elder Tang Ren actively mentioned Qianhun Jade, Bai Xiaowen already felt bad.

At that time, Bai Xiaowen had another option, which was to deny Yagu, not to admit that Qianhunyu was in his hands.

It is actually not smart to do this, because the information known to the other party is that Kitts who destroyed all souls is a puppet manipulated by Bai Xiaowen.

And when all souls were destroyed, Kitts picked up the Qianhun jade, and many righteous people could see it clearly.

In other words, Yaguchi's denial did not convince Tang Ren and other Shangqing elders. Then in order to capture the Qianhun Jade, Tang Ren would probably turn his face one step in advance.

So Bai Xiaowen chose to admit it happily, and following Tang Ren's words, he expressed his willingness to surrender Qianhun Jade, and even expressed his thoughts in exchange for some benefits.

All this is done to paralyze Tang Ren and let him relax his vigilance.

As the result was not true, Tang Ren did not immediately take coercive measures against Bai Xiaowen, and even stepped out of the quiet room one step in advance.

Then when Chen Rong turned and went to open the door of the quiet room, Bai Xiaowen took the opportunity to do two things.

First, use the illusion technique to create a straw avatar of Bai Xiaowen with true power.

Second, put on fish pattern clothes, hide the real body.

I followed Chen Rong at the time, and it was Bai Xiaowen's illusion.

Of course, there are certain risks. If Tang Ren strictly inspects Bai Xiaowen, it is very likely to reveal the filling.

However, Tang Ren did not do this-Bai Xiaowen's previous co-ordinated actions made him relax his vigilance.

After Tang Ren and Chen Rong left, Bai Xiaowen immediately escaped from the quiet room and fled to the outside door of Shangqing.

However, Tang Ren's suspicion was very serious. Although no problems were found at the beginning, it didn't take long before he saw something wrong. His response was also decisive. After confirming that Bai Xiaowen was trying to run, he immediately sent a message to activate the mountain guard and trapped Bai Xiaowen inside.

The imaginary double Taoism that Bai Xiao literature originally learned is a second-order Taoism, which is not difficult in itself.

However, Bai Xiaowen learned the incarnation of the wood demon in the tree demon, combined with the illusion of the two ways to make the incarnation of the wood (straw avatar), and the degree of realism has been greatly improved-you know, when you first encountered the tree demon, "Incarnation of Wood", even the passive glance of the Eye of Evolution did not see through the authenticity.

He cooperated with Bai Xiaowen's true power even more. This is the fundamental reason why Bai Xiaowen can fool Tang Ren, the power of the lord, and the priority is suppressed.

Another important reason is that Bai Xiaowen's psychic mentor ability can precisely manipulate the summoned creatures.

Straw avatar can also be regarded as Bai Xiaowen's "summon creature", but Bai Xiaowen is only a beginner to the "wood incarnation demon", and has no attack ability for the time being.

Bai Xiaowen manipulated the straw avatar and followed Chen Rong step by step. At the same time, he answered with Chen Rong and Tang Ren. The subtle expressions were like real people. This left Tang Ren unnoticed.

Later, Bai Xiaowen was too far away from the straw avatar, and he could not control the walking posture of the straw avatar, and the distance of each step.

[Chen Rong, Chen Rong, I originally wanted to leave quietly without taking away a cloud ... You Shangqing School is fighting hard, don't blame me. 】

Bai Xiaowen secretly pondered that the Shangqing group started the mountain guard team like this, it seems that he was locked in the inner door, but this does not mean that he locked a mouse in the rice cylinder?

Especially Chen Rong gave him fish pattern clothes and inner door roadmap before.

Bai Xiaowen can completely avoid the search of the elders from the Qing dynasty, and loot the important place of the inner door.

For example ... Shangqing Treasury!

Generally speaking, the location of the treasure house is very secretive, but Bai Xiaowen has a road map. In the past two days, he also quietly observed the layout and architecture of various buildings on the inner gate of the Qing Dynasty. He already knew the location of the treasure house.

There is also a key point in the fact that the Shang Qing sent a large mountain defense team mainly to defend foreign enemies.

Several towers to maintain the large mountain array, but all in the inner door.

Should break through the moat from the outside door, no one can do it unless the real king-level strong shots.

But as long as the tower is destroyed in the inner door, the big team will naturally break.

Bai Xiaowen already has a plan in mind, just wait until the night to start.

Uh ...

There are two blossoms of the lotus flower, one chapter for each water (crossed out); one branch for each table!

Thirty miles outside the mountain gate of the Qing dynasty, there is a secret underground cave, which is the secret lair of Hei Tianjiao and a sub-base for attacking the shangqing pie.

The howling wind sounded, and the two figures fled one after the other, and fled to the burrow. It was Hei Tian who taught the two main methods of protection.

"Where are the left-behind church members? Why don't you come out to meet this seat?" Qiu Zhen had a bad temper and screamed angrily.

Viper Ji was careful and persuaded: "You move a little smaller, here is very close to the Shang Qing! The Shang Qing will definitely send out the door to search intricately, so you don't have to recruit chasers."

Qiuqiu snorted and landed at the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, Qiu Zhenli's face changed slightly: "No, there is blood." He rushed into the burrow quickly.

In the burrow, more than a dozen Hetian teaching elite disciples stayed behind, smashed to the ground.

The spiritual crystals, spiritual materials, and other materials piled up in the pits were all looted!

"Who did it?" Qiu Zhen was angry in the centrifugation, but suppressed it, Han said.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Snake Ji poked her lips, "Anyway, it would not be the Qing dynasty. If they knew this hiding place, someone would have come out to ambush us."

Qiu Zhen squealed with his fists: "I suspect ~ ~ The people who ransacked this cave and the people who broke our plans came from the same force. The traitor Lu Buchen should have taken refuge in this force, and There is no referral to the Qing. "

"Why do you see it?" She Ji asked.

Qiu Zhenli analyzed: "If the Shangqing faction knows our overall plan, then as you said, they will premise killing in this hiding place, and they will be well prepared for the battle of the sword valley. But It seems today that almost all the elders of the Shangqing School were beaten up by the Soul Soul Array in the Battle of the Sword Valley, and their reaction was panic! "

Viper Ji nodded: "That's right, this is where I wonder ... But since Lu Buchen wanted to fight against the enemy, why not rely on the Qing dynasty? Is there any righteous power that is stronger than the Qing dynasty?"

Lu Qiuzhen departed: "Of course there is! But you are not yet qualified to know."

Viper Snake whispered: "You have the right to know? Isn't it the Hermitage Sect, I have heard of one or two. Do you mean that there are masters of the Hermitage Sect?"

Qiu Zhenli frowned and said, "If it is a hermitage sect, why are they looting this cave? It is also very puzzling. For the masters of the hermitage sect, this phantom spirit hidden in this cave is also Is it worth their temptation? "

Viper Ji shook her head and said, "God knows, maybe there is something weird about the masters of the Hidden Sect, and you have to feel the killing and overstocking."

Wu Qiu Zhenli snorted softly: "Since it is known here, it is no longer safe. You and I will immediately return to the altar to heal and plan again."