Chapter 1316: Sun Liu

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
Bai Xiaowen is still very confident in soliciting Hua Yao.

After Bian Huayin's refusal, Bai Xiaowen was of course a "great joy", and then Feng Huayin was appointed as the Yilang, and he was also given the post of counselor of Sima Prefecture.

Qi Huaxi could not think that Bai Xiaowen was so important, thank you naturally, and thought to himself that Yuan Xi was so young that she was in a high position, and she was even able to sergeant sergeant. No wonder she could break into the great reputation.

After being banned, Hua Yan was his own.

Bai Xiaowen asked, "You have been in Jingxiang and Jiangnan. You should be more aware of the situation there. I heard that some time ago, Jingzhou and Jiangdong had frequent wars?"

Hua Zheng replied: "Liu Biao has been stunned since Xu Du's defeat. Jiang Dong Sun's is really powerful. Wen Wuxian got together and attacked Jingzhou. Within half a month, he occupied the five counties of Jing Xiang. . "

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "Jiuwen Sun Ce is a tiger of Jiangdong, and he is not less fierce than Lu Bu. But who else is under his account?"

Hua Ying said: "The writers include Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Ye, etc., who are all famous men of the moment; the warriors, including Tai Shici, Sun Yan, Zhou Tai, etc., are also brave generals. There are also Zhou Yu Wenwu Both sides have recently taken over the Jinfan thief Gan Ning, and the military is even stronger. "

These names are all heard by Bai Xiaowen.

However, the general named "Sun Sun" still made Bai Xiaowen curious: "What is the relationship between Sun Sun and Sun Ce?"

Qi Huayi said: "Sun Ye is the third son of Changsha's prince Sun Jian, the third brother of Sun Ce. Sixteen years old, but he is an adult and has improper courage; Sun Ce loves it and is always with him."

Bai Xiaowen was secretly weird, but with a smile on his mouth, "What is the skill of a sixteen-year-old sister-in-law?"

Zheng Huazheng said:

"Yangong should not be taken lightly. Sun Ye Xiaoyong was not under Sun Ce; more than a month ago, some subordinates would be in chaos, drunk them between the banquets and intended to assassinate them; Sun Ye counted a knife in his body, blood flowed all over the place, and still acted As usual, the rebels will all fight back.

"Behind Raiders Jing Xiang, Sun Yi also repeatedly made great achievements. If it was not for Liu Bei's full assistance, he saved the remaining counties. I am afraid that when Liu Biao died, there would be no place to bury him."

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "Who is under Liu Bei's account?"

Hua Yan said: "Liu Bei's account was originally a general who was stronger than Wen Chen. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun were all enemies. But they also recruited talents such as Xu Yan, Zhu Geliang, and so on. They were called" Wolong ", If it were not for his strategy, I am afraid that the remaining cities would not be secured. "

Zhu Geliang's early appearance, already known when Bai Xiaowen cut into the world of the Three Kingdoms plane.

I felt regretful, and Bai Xiaowen also knew.

It seems to me that the Sun Sun under Sun Ce's account should be a top awakened person.

I chose to cut into the identity of urine according to the rules of the spirit world. The real Sun Yi was probably hacked to death by the general, and then the top awakener replaced the identity of the dead Sun Yi, and counterattacked on the spot as a general.

But under Liu Bei's account, there should be no powerful awakening to join.

If there is a powerful awakening person, he will "get ahead" early, just like Sun Yan.

The awakenings who have not made a name for themselves and are mentioned by Hua Yan certainly will not affect Bai Xiaowen's unification progress.

Bai Xiaowen asked again: "Liu Biao's original subordinates, such as Cai Yan, Zhang Yun, etc., are still there?"

Hua Yan did not expect that Deng Yanguo was quite familiar with Jingzhou people, so he carefully answered: "Cai Ye was killed in the battle with Sun's; Zhang Yun was under the command of Liu Bei to help train the navy. In addition, There are also counselors such as Ying Liang and Ying Yue who still respect Liu Ye as the main body. "

Bai Xiaowen understood it. No wonder Liu Bei was more moisturized than in the romance. It turned out that his biggest stumbling block, Cai Xiang, the pillar of the Cai family of the Cai Xianghao family, had been broken.

Without Cai Yan, Mrs. Cai is a little solitary, and of course it will not be a climate. Liu Xun's sister-in-law wasn't killed by Zhuge Liang?

As for other Jingzhou Liubiao old minister Wen Chen, everyone who played Zhuge Liang, sooner or later was either killed or marginalized. The best result is also Guishun Liu Bei.

"Sun Ce and Liu Bei, are they still attacking each other?" Bai Xiaowen asked the key points.

Hua Yan shook his head and said, "I heard that Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to Sun Ce, and the two stopped for a while. At present, in Jingxiang Nine County, Liu Bei is holding Liu Xie, occupying four counties, and the remaining five counties are in Sun's family. Hands. "

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "It seems that both Sun and Liu are prepared for loneliness!"

Chen Hua yelled: "Sun Liu boasted the power of the prince Yan, so he gave up his reconciliation. It is appropriate to slow down the map. If he rushes to the south of the Yangtze River, then Sun and Liu will work together and it will be difficult to break."

Bai Xiaowen nodded in approval. Hua Yan's ability to say such words is enough to see that he is also knowledgeable.

Xi Bai Xiaowen was not in a hurry to go to the south of the river. After all, in the romance, Cao Cao suffered a big loss in the hands of Sun Liu Lianjun.

In Bai Xiaowen's view, it is better to take the land of the two rivers first, so that Liu Bei cannot occupy the west river!

By then, there are 13 states in the world, and Bai Xiaowen owns ten states. After accumulating enough strength, then try to calm Sun Liu and complete the unification.

Yun Huayu stayed in the capital, and Bai Xiaowen also sent Huayin's deputy to return to Jingzhou with the court order.

For Xiao Liu's succession, Bai Xiaowen didn't stop at it ~ ~, but rather happily sealed Liu Ye as a herd of Jingzhou. As for the letter, please write Liu Bei as General Xiangyang, and temporarily take the request of Jingzhou affairs. Bai Xiaowen did not agree, but instead wrote Liu Bei as Jiang Xia Shou.

At present, Jiang Xia is already Sun Ce's territory. Bai Xiaowen's official position is not difficult to guess.

I especially can see Bai Xiaowen's abacus, especially if the other party has Zhuge Liang.

Alas, this is Yang Mou. I have a son in my hand, and I'm happy to seal it like this. You can do whatever you want.

After a few days, the news came back to the capital.

With the help of Li Shuyi, Cecilia, and others, Zhang Huan broke through the horse thieves, killed more than a thousand people, and seized four hundred good horses.

Bai Xiaowen is overjoyed and reaffirmed Zhang Ye.

However, one of Zhang Jian's reports made Bai Xiaowen's heart.

In the Qing dynasty, the horse thieves in Zhangzhou discovered Zhang Ye that the base of these horse thieves was in Yunzhong County, Bianzhou.

Yunzhong County is a place for the Hu people. There are Hube tribes such as Xianbei and Karasuma.

Moreover, only a small number of Han Chinese were killed, most of them were Hu.

From this, you can know what happened to the horse thief. If the Hu people cannot be severely damaged, then the horse thief of Bianzhou may be revived and unable to eradicate. Do you want Sima to recruit once and for all?

After Bai Xiaowen thought about it, the reply given was that Zhang Jian was led by the winning army to continue the north expedition to the alien race, and the grain was raised by the high-ranking cadres of the Bianzhou Assassin.

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