Chapter 14 - Ghost Questions

After hanging up the phone with Sun Lu, I felt like my scalp was going to explode.

Since they were both in the Forensic Medicine, Sun Lu definitely could not joke around with such a thing.

He cried so much over the phone, he said Zhang Xi is dead … …

Zhang Xi was dead.

Then, who was the one who asked me to help him find Li Rui before I came out of her residence?

Gripping the steering wheel, my mind was in a mess.

With the fire lit, a gust of wind blew back to his house.

He went upstairs, opened the door and found the house empty.

The towels on the bed seemed to be the same way I'd woken up a few days ago.

He called Zhang Xi, and the call connected.

On the other end of the phone, Sun Lu's voice came over:

"Xu Huo, Huohuo, don't f * cking grumble anymore, hurry up and come over! I can't take it alone! "

After hanging up, I looked back at the bed, went downstairs, got into the car, and headed straight for Qitian County.

On the way, I remembered what my grandpa had said to me:

"You shouldn't have been born. You are an ominous person, a scourge!"

I unconsciously thought about Sang Lan, Ji Yayun, and what had happened to me the past few days.

I'll graduate in less than a year.

As long as I pass the psychological assessment, I can graduate, have a job, and have a free dormitory arranged by the public.

Why did everything change so abruptly...

They rushed to the Qi Tian County, Zhang Xi County's home.

The moment I entered the front yard of the mourning hall, my heart skipped a beat and my scalp felt like it was about to explode.

The mourning hall was obviously set up in a hurry and was very simple.

Beneath the big 'Ming' character, there was actually a row of photos of five people on the table!

In the center of the spirit hall, there was actually a bright red lacquer coffin, with the coffin open, the one inside was Zhang Xi!

"Who arranged all this?" I asked Sun Lu, flustered and exasperated.

Sun Lu glanced at the male and female middle-aged men beside him.

The man actually laughed and said to me: "You are also a classmate of Zhang Xi, right? I am Zhang Xi's uncle, and this is his aunt. "My brother-in-law has a weak family, we're the only ones who can handle this white matter."

Seeing that Sun Lu's face was ugly, he asked, "Are you asking about something? Don't you have anything to ask? "

Zhang Xi's aunt sighed, "Sigh, my brother-in-law's family of five are all dead. Our family's finances aren't too good, so we can't do it big. Tomorrow morning, I will find a car to pull Zhang Xi to the crematorium and cremate it.

Seeing her sigh, the couple didn't have the slightest bit of grief in their eyes. On the contrary, there was a hint of joy in their eyes.

Looking at Sun Lu's dark expression, I started to understand the situation.

Zhang Xi's entire family was dead, and the two of them were probably just looking at their businesses, not in the mood to take care of their funerals.

I walked over to the coffin and looked at Zhang Xi's body. The more I looked, the more I felt that something was wrong.

"When did he die?" I asked.

Sun Lu walked over and said: "I came to look for him three days ago. There is no one at his house. I was afraid that Xi Zi wouldn't be able to take the blow and so I went looking for him everywhere. In the end, I found out that he hung himself in my peach orchard. "

"When do you think he died?" I asked again.

Sun Lu was startled, "Looking at the degree of stiffness on his body, when I found him, he should have died less than 24 hours ago. By the way, his family happened seven days ago. "

Seven days ago?

Wasn't that the day before I was going to come to Qi Tian County?

I couldn't get through to Zhang Xi by then. Could it be …

No, he called me on the way back.

I looked carefully at Zhang Xi's body, and while I looked, I asked Sun Lu who changed his clothes.

Sun Lu said that he had swapped them, and at the same time, he glared fiercely at Zhang Xi's uncle.

Zhang Xi was wearing a black suit and had a serene expression, as if he was sleeping.

But Sun Lu and I looked at him together for a while, then looked up and met each other's eyes. We both saw fear in each other's eyes.

Sun Lu subconsciously lowered his voice, "Huohuo, these have already been three days, this season, why haven't there been any corpse spots?"

Without saying a word, I walked to the end of the coffin and reached out to touch Zhang Xi's leather shoes. I immediately got goosebumps all over my body.

I said to Zhang Xi's uncle: "This won't do, I must find someone to ask and arrange things for Zhang Xi again."

Zhang Xi's uncle laughed dryly: "Hehe, the two of us aren't here, how would we know anything about this matter? What's more, it's already been stopped for three days, what's the point of reorganizing it? "

Seeing how he didn't even smile and didn't say anything, I became extremely angry and coldly said, "Let's respect the dead."

After I finished speaking, I told Sun Lu to keep an eye on him and said that I would go find someone to ask about it.

The business of asking questions is very special.

If there were no relatives or people of high social standing, people who asked questions would never get involved.

Since Zhang Xi's uncle wasn't willing to come forward, I had no choice but to look for another person to interrogate.

And the only person I know here is the Little Peach Garden Village that I've met before, the one who asked questions about Zhang Ande.

After arriving at the Little Peach Garden Village, I relied on my previous impression to directly find Zhang Ande's house. Just as I was about to knock on the door, suddenly, a cry that shook the heavens and earth came from inside.

I was wondering if I should knock when the door opened from the inside.

The person who had come out, was actually Zhang Ande!

"You're here?"

"Howl." I replied subconsciously.

"Then hurry up and do what you have to do!" Zhang Ande got into my car while buttoning up his shirt.

It was already dark, so he didn't have time to think about it.

After we got in the car, I directly said to Zhang Ande: "I want to ask for your help in hosting a funeral."

Zhang Ande immediately said: "Of course, I owe you."

"You owe me?" I looked at him in the rearview mirror and saw that he had lowered his eyes and was sitting upright in the back seat, as if he didn't want to say anything.

I didn't say anymore and anxiously brought him to Zhang Xi's home.

Upon entering the mourning hall, Zhang Ande's face changed, and he asked sternly: Who is in charge of this? "Why would the body be placed in a red coffin?"

Zhang Xi's uncle said: "This coffin was originally prepared for you by Zhang Xi's grandmother. When this old man didn't use it, I made the decision to let Zhang Xi use it."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Ande walked over to the coffin and only took a glance inside, his expression becoming uglier.

I don't know if it's because it's dark or if it's because of the lights in the mourning hall, but I actually feel that his face is frighteningly dark. Why do I feel that he looks a little different from before?

Zhang Ande looked at the corpse carefully again, and said to me: "Quickly go to the southeast corner and light three sticks of incense, and burn some paper, money and ingots.

I didn't dare to be negligent as I anxiously brought the incense and paper money to the corner of the wall with Sun Lu.

Sun Lu took out his lighter, and lit it for a long time, but the incense was unable to light up no matter how hard he tried.

Zhang Ande said: "Shouting my name, I'm sorry."

I asked Sun Lu what his grandmother's name was.

Receiving the incense and lighter, while lighting them, he muttered to himself, "Grandma Zhang, we are Zhang Xi's classmates. Your family has encountered such a big problem, we are all very sad. Previously, when no one asked about it, Xi Zi took your old house's lifespan. Since you, Sir, have a lot of lifespan, you should just treat it as pampering your grandson, don't blame him. "

I shouted Grandma Zhang Xi's name over and over again, and after burning it seven or eight times, I finally managed to burn the incense.

I heaved a sigh of relief and quickly let Sun Lu burn the paper.

Just as Sun Lu and I were holding onto the burnt paper money, Zhang Ande actually closed the door of the spirit hall.

As Sun Lu burned paper, he looked back and asked softly, "Where did you get this question from? "It's quite formal, he's actually wearing a Tang suit."

My heart stirred as I hurriedly turned my head to look at Zhang Ande.

I nearly sat down on the floor in fright.

It was only now that he could see that Zhang Ande was actually wearing a set of blue satin clothes with Big Fortune embroidered on it.

It was actually a birthday suit!

Look at his feet, white socks, a thousand layers of cloth shoes … There was no sign of him on the ground.

This Zhang Ande is not a human, but a ghost!

I panicked and hurriedly got up, subconsciously went to get my bag.

At this moment, a wave of cold wind swept through the mourning hall.

The ashes in the brazier were all rolled up, swirling in the mourning hall.

Then looking at Zhang Ande, he was actually gone!


Zhang Xi's uncle was also scared and said, "What happened? Where's the person from before? "

Not good, I was tricked by that old thing!

"abattoir, quickly close the coffin for me!" I shouted and ran to the coffin, anxious to move the lid.

This red coffin was extremely thick, and just the coffin lid weighed over a hundred Jin.

Fortunately, Sun Lu came over to help them, so the two of them quickly closed the coffin.

"Where's the coffin nail?" I asked Zhang Xi's uncle loudly.

I asked twice, but all I heard was the woman screaming.

"You didn't prepare the coffin nails?" I asked Sun Lu.

Sun Lu raised his head and his expression suddenly changed greatly. He pounced over and knocked me to the side.

As I was being knocked away, a coffin nail came down close to my face.

He dodged to the side, and when he focused, Zhang Xi's uncle's face was unexpectedly fierce and his eyes were bloodshot. Gritting his teeth, he raised the coffin in his hand and pounced towards me once again.

Startled and angry, I kicked him away.

Sun Lu hugged him from the back, and used one hand to pinch his wrist, then used some strength to twist it. However, he did not let go of the coffin nail in his hand.

"He's been possessed by a ghost!" I reacted and reached into my bag. In my haste, I only touched a soft bag.

I immediately took out that package, took it out, and slapped it onto Zhang Xi's uncle's face.

The bag broke apart, and the shavings and sawdust fell on his face like rain.


Zhang Xi's uncle immediately released an ear-piercing scream, his body fiercely twitched twice, the coffin dropped from his hand and he fell into Sun Lu's embrace.

I heaved a sigh of relief. These wood shavings and wood shavings were cut off when I was peeling the mahogany nail. I originally wanted to burn those ghost clothes of Ji Yayun's for him, but who would have thought that it would actually be useful here.

"What are you two doing?" Zhang Xi's aunt actually pounced on him and started tearing at him.

Ignoring her, I bent down to pick up the coffin nail.

However, just as his hand touched the coffin nail, he heard a muffled "bang" sound behind him, as if something heavy had fallen over.

Zhang Xi's aunt widened her eyes in shock. "Ghost!" Then, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

I grabbed the coffin nail and took a step forward before I dared to look back.

Turning back, I saw that the coffin's lid had already been lifted. Zhang Xi actually sat up from the coffin and opened his eyes, looking at me sinisterly.