Little guy blood red eyes, open a pair of confused eyes to see her, slowly wet eyes, tightly embrace her neck.


Chu Jiaxuan's brain boomed like a thunderbolt. Finally, she called her mother. Chu Jiaxuan was red and her eyes were shaking.

But step by step did not stop, still desperately forward, vaguely can hear those gangsters catch up with the footsteps.

"Mom, I'm sorry, the spin is wrong..." The little guy held his mouth and his shining eyes were full of tears.

Although Chu Jiaxuan was very happy in her heart, the most important thing in front of her eyes was to leave the place: "spin around, you're good. Mom won't blame you."

At this time, because Chu Jiaxuan ran too fast and tripped her feet, she fell to the ground. Subconsciously, she hugged the whirl in her arms and didn't want to hurt her.

She quickly got up from the ground, because she heard the approaching footsteps, but just as she got up, she and the little guy were surrounded by gangsters.

"Dame, I'll let you run!" Several gangsters go up and surround Chu Jiaxuan and the little guy fiercely.

Looking at the gangsters who surrounded them, Chu Jiaxuan mentioned the extreme and held the little guy tightly in his hands.

"Take them for me." In reality, the leader of the Gang said something. He waved his hand gently. Several gangsters came to Chu Jiaxuan and tied them up.

"You let go..."

Before Chu Jiaxuan finished her words, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her head and fainted as soon as her eyes were dark.

The night was deep.

A shabby cottage on the edge of West ring.

Chu Jiaxuan was sober and looked at the men standing in front of her: "what do you want?"

Chu Jiaxuan looks at the dim light and finds that the little guy is tied and thrown in the corner. Seeing him, she is relieved.

At this time, there was a sudden heavy footfall in the corner, and a head like man came out.

"I can't believe that this woman looks good. Damn it, it must be a pie from heaven. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman. I'll give it to you after I've played enough."

Chu Jiaxuan has never seen a big storm before? However, when she looked at the villains in front of her, their necks and hands were full of small centipedes, which made people feel scared.

And the head of the man half face is still disfigured, one eye has been destroyed, the other eye with cold light.

Chu Jiaxuan stares at those bloodthirsty eyes until the man approaches her, holds her chin, looks at her closely, and says, "it's a beautiful woman. You can follow me in the future. I promise to make you eat hot and drink spicy food, OK?"

Chu Jiaxuan's chin was pinched by a man. She frowned and didn't open her face: "you'd better let me go, or my people will come in the morning and you'll have a lot to eat."

Chu Jiaxuan knows very well that these people just want to make money. They can do anything for money.

"I can't believe it's still a hot pepper!"

"Big brother, this woman is a real beauty, ha ha..."

The man listened to Chu Jiaxuan's words and all laughed, and the smile on his face became more obscene.

"Tell me what you want to do to let go of me and my children. I'll give you as much as you want." Now I can only talk to them and delay as long as possible to see if Baron Pei can find them as soon as possible.