"No, Chu Jiaxuan..."

"Chu Jiaxuan..."


Chu Jiaxuan was shot in the chest, and the blood spat out of his mouth. Turning around, he saw Pei nanjue with a look of fear on his face and came to her.

But Chu Jiaxuan's body is weak and weak, and then she feels his body is falling. This time, he must die? Because of what kind of cliff, the top of the cliff is a sharp current, so she must not even have a chance to live.

Just as Chu Jiaxuan was about to fall, her hand was suddenly pulled by someone, and her falling body stopped.

He looked up and saw the indignant face of Pei nanjue.

"Chu Jiaxuan, don't let go and hold on to me..." Pei nanjue's voice was trembling, and the end of the year was full of panic.

"Pei nanjue..." Chu Jiaxuan speaks weakly. Looking at the panic in her eyes, Chu Jiaxuan's nose is sour.

"Chu Jiaxuan, don't let go. I'll pull you up now..." Pei nanjue's hand grabbed her hard, trying to pull him up.

Chu Jiaxuan wanted to reach out, but she couldn't use her strength at all. His chest was flowing with blood.

She thought that she probably couldn't live. Her eyes greedily looked at Pei nanjue. He pulled and showed a weak smile. Then the smile was as weak as peony in winter: "Pei nanjue, live well Help me take care of my mother, and Xuanxuan You must also be good... "

Chu Jiaxuan's voice is weak. Her eyes are red. She finally comes back to him, but she doesn't want to be in this situation.

"What are you talking about? Listen to me. You'll be OK. Don't let go. Do you hear me, I'll pull you up now! " Baron Pei roared.

Chu Jiaxuan's body is like a kite flying in the cliff. She feels that the strength in his body is gradually being emptied, and her hands are becoming less and less powerful. She can feel her fingers loosen his hands little by little.

Slowly, Chu Jiaxuan's vision became blurred. Her eyes greedily looked at Pei nanjue. The man she had loved all her life could always make her heart flutter. For him, she would be reckless and even give him her life.

The past scenes flow into her mind, and her red lips Rose: "Baron Pei, I love you, I don't regret."

After that, Chu Jiaxuan closes her eyes wearily. Her hand is relaxed, and her body continues to descend.

Pei nanjue, fall in love with you, never regret, if there is a next life, I will still return to your side.

"Chu Jiaxuan..." Pei nanjue's voice rang heartrendingly and echoed in the valley.

Goodbye, my love.

"Chu Jiaxuan..."

Looking at the falling Chu Jiaxuan, Pei nanjue gets up. He is desperate to jump down. Fortunately, he is caught by Suhan in time.

"Brother in law, calm down. You can't solve the problem in this way. We'll send someone to find you now. Don't do stupid things. Maybe my cousin is still alive. I believe my cousin will not leave us like this." Suhan began to comfort him and tried to pull him, not to let him do stupid things.

"You let go of me, I'll go down to find her!" Pei nanjue kept struggling and his eyes were red. At this time, he completely lost consciousness. In his mind, only Chu Jiaxuan did not give up his eyes.