"Boss, this is a bidding book. If there is no problem, I will send it." The assistant put a document in front of Chu Jiaxuan.

The bidding book has been changed six or seven times. This time, the whole company has been busy working overtime for several nights. Now her face has shown a tired look.

Chu Jiaxuan took it over and looked over it, and nodded. This time, it was an old alley planning bid that the government was preparing to demolish. In order to win this bidding, Chu Jiaxuan was exhausted.

If we can win this bidding, it will be a great promotion for Xinsheng group, and it will start bidding tomorrow, so she must ensure that she is safe and sound.

The next day soon arrived. All the employees of Xinsheng group were in a state of alert. Everyone was tense. The nerve in the brain could be seen whether the nerve was tight or relaxed when the result was found out.

As time goes by, the bell is getting closer and closer. Chu Jiaxuan is sitting in her office, hands intertwined on her chin, and her face is tense.

If it's design, she's not so worried, but this time it's the bidding, so Chu Jiaxuan becomes very nervous.

Finally, under the high tension, the project manager called.

Chu Jiaxuan took a deep breath. Chu Jiaxuan did a lot of homework in this bidding.

"Hello, Mr. Chu We won the bid On the other side of the phone came the excited voice of the project manager, and Chu Jiaxuan's tight string relaxed after hearing his news.

She put a charming smile on her face: "good, very good, then you come back now, tell us the news, let everyone relax."

Chu Jiaxuan knows that all the people in the company have not had a good rest for this bidding, so she decides to let the people of the company relax.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Jiaxuan relaxed in the back of her office chair and slowly closed her eyes with her red lips slightly hooked.

On the other side, Lin qinger, who has been left by Chu Jiaxuan, is sitting in the corner of the room, staring out of the window with empty eyes.

Since Lin Qing'er was sent back to the villa by Pei nanjue, Lin qinger has never seen Pei nanjue again. No matter how noisy she is, there is no way to exchange Pei nanjue's reaction.

After a month of struggling and trying countless methods, she couldn't see him.

The most important thing she did every day was to keep calling the name of Baron Pei.

"Anan..." Lin qinger whispered.

When the servant knocked on the door, she came in and saw Lin qinger shrinking in the corner as usual. When Lin qinger saw the servant, her mood suddenly became excited. She quickly went to the servant and pulled her arm.

"Would you please let me see Baron Pei?" Lin qinger said with tears in her eyes and kept exerting herself on her hands.

"Miss Lin, you've been doing this for a month. Can you rest assured and take good care of yourself? Miss Pei, do you always have a little bit of self-consciousness about our husband? " Looking at Lin Qing'er so blatantly thinking about other people's husband, her tone has become mean.

Lin Qing'er really has a brain pit. He knows that Pei nanjue is a man with a family. He is so brazen that he wants to be around him. He has never seen anyone so shameless.