Gong junchi, a mean villain, has no bottom line at all. He has the audacity to threaten her with the life of a child.

Damned Gong junchi, at the beginning she was really blind, only then could think that he was a good man. Now he looks like he is really crazy, can do anything, and has no bottom line.

She stretched out her hand to hold her head and scratched her head. Her eyes were full of pain. The little guy was in his hands. She believed that the little guy was safe now. He should not do anything to the little guy. After all, his target was her and pernan Jue.

Just as Chu Jiaxuan forced herself to calm down, a knock on the door rang out: "Dong Dong Dong..."

The next moment, the door opened, and Pei nanjue came in from the outside, pretending to look at her as if nothing had happened. He walked steadily to her side and sat down. He listened to all Chu Jiaxuan's words just now, but he didn't intend to tell her, so he decided to plot against her.

Chu Jiaxuan looked up and saw Pei nanjue come in. She laughed and pretended to be calm and said, "you are back."

"Well, are you feeling better?" Pei nanjue reached out and touched her hair. Looking at her pale face, he felt a burst of pain in his heart.

"I'm much better. I'm worried. I'm sorry." With that, Chu Jiaxuan leaned into Pei nanjue's arms, closed her eyes, and greedily absorbed the fragrance from him. With him around, Chu Jiaxuan's heart slowly calmed down.

Pei nanjue hugged her tightly, and his eyes were spoiled: "as long as you're OK, we'll go down to dinner."

Chu Jiaxuan nods and leaves his arms. They both go downstairs. When they eat, Chu Jiaxuan eats a little more than usual. Because now that she knows the whereabouts of the little guy and that he is safe, her heart is not so nervous.

And she is also afraid that there is nothing wrong with her performance. In case Pei nanjue feels that she already knows the whereabouts of the little guy, then if Gong junchi knows, then the little guy will be in danger. She can't take this risk.

As time went by, the night got deeper and deeper. Chu Jiaxuan held Pei nanjue tightly, and her heart was shaking. She knew that Pei nanjue was not asleep, just like her.

"Jiaxuan, don't be afraid. I will find our son." Pei nanjue reached out and patted her on the back, gently comforting her once.

Chu Jiaxuan's nose was sour, and her red lips opened. The confession almost came from her throat, but the next moment he just nodded heavily.

She couldn't gamble with her life. If anything happened to him, she would never forgive herself.

"Are you hiding something from me? You're nervous. " The voice of Baron Pei rang out in a low voice, echoing in the room.

Chu Jiaxuan was shocked and shook her head: "no, I'm just worried about the children. Pei nanjue, would you have a better life without me? Would you not have suffered so much without me? "

She suddenly found that since he was with her, he was always injured because of her, and every time he would bleed and his life would be in danger.

If not for him, without her to disturb her life now, would he have had a smooth sailing?

"What are you talking about? If there is a if in the world, there won't be so many things happening, let alone accidents. Therefore, we are predestined, and I will not allow you to say these words Baron Pei spoke angrily. No matter what happened between them, he would never give up on her.