Suzanne pulls Chu Jiaxuan to the sofa and sits down. When she calms down, she says quietly: "what's going on? Why did you testify against him in court

"Mom, do you believe me? I didn't know I would be sentenced to death. Zhigong junchi used me. He threatened me with my child. She said that my child had been killed and poisoned by him... "

"You know, the child is innocent..."

"Mom, he hates me..."

"He thought I would join hands with Gong junchi to kill him. It's not the case. I just want to get the antidote and then rescue him..."

Chu Jiaxuan said angrily that her eyes were full of pain. She really didn't mean to. She never wanted him to die

"I know, I know, that Gong junchi is really not a thing, he actually used such a mean, I really misread him before!" Susan spoke angrily. She never thought that Gong junchi would become like this one day. She would do anything to achieve her goal.

Chu Jiaxuan pressed her lips tightly, and her eyes were filled with pain.

Now that things have become this way, what can she do now? He doesn't know what she can do now? Now I don't even know how to save him.

Pei nanjue was sentenced to death, which caused a great stir in a city.

Who would have thought that the president of Pei's group, the business genius, would have been sentenced to death?

It seems that it is his girlfriend who pushed him to death.

Since testifying in court, Chu Jiaxuan has locked herself at home and never goes anywhere. Every day, she stares at the news of the computer, the messages on the computer and their angry abuse.

Chu Jiaxuan couldn't cry and couldn't laugh. It's all because of her.

Chu Jiaxuan suddenly became an Internet celebrity. The Internet was full of attacks on her, saying that she was fickle, insidious and vicious. In a word, there were all kinds of comments, some of which were even worse.

Seeing all this, Chu Jiaxuan can only bear it in silence. Now he is suffering.

Chu Jiaxuan lies on the window sill and looks out the window at the sky. There is no moon in the sky tonight, not even a cold moon.

She stood there quietly, unconsciously touching the stomach, now her child was born in more than a month, how to do? You've betrayed the death penalty. How should she save him?

She fell into endless pain, every day muddleheaded life, the brain can not think of a way.

Finally, she took a deep breath. She lay down in the soft big bed and forced herself to sleep. Only when she had enough energy could she save Pei nanjue.

She would not let him die, certainly not, her brain kept repeating this sentence, and finally her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she fell asleep.

The next morning, Chu Jiaxuan woke up early, with a glass of milk in her hand. She was sitting on the sofa, looking out of the window at the sky. She couldn't help being distracted.

"Because love can't..." In a trance, Chu Jiaxuan's phone rings.

Without hesitation, she looked at the call.

"Hello, Tangtang. What can I do for you?" Tang Tang didn't call Chu Jiaxuan this time because they were all busy.

"It's the day of the execution of the execution of Baron Pei, do you know?" Tang Tang's anxious voice rang out.