Chu Jiaxuan's heart is constantly shaking. Tears blur her vision. Why is he so stupid? He knew it in the morning. Why didn't he tell her?

Chu Jiaxuan's heart sank inch by inch like a cliff.

He must love her. If he told her, he would not be like this now. Why didn't he say so?

Tears drop by drop from the corner of the eye.

"I'm going to turn myself in, I'm going to see him!" Chu Jiaxuan opens her mouth flustered and looks directly at Li Hao. She can't let him have anything.

Gong junchi still used her, because his hatred took advantage of her and sent Pei nanjue to prison by her hand.

Chu Jiaxuan's heart is angry. She has never hated a person so much, and her hatred spreads from the bottom of her heart inch by inch.

Listening to Chu Jiaxuan's words, Li Hao shook his head at her and said, "it's no use. He has designed everything. Even if you admit that you gave the powder, you can't save him."

Chu Jiaxuan looked up in shock: "why is it like this? Why doesn't it work? Gong junchi told me that it's just a powder allergy. There won't be any big problems I don't know. I didn't know it would be so serious... "

Chu Jiaxuan's heart was like falling into the ice cellar for ten thousand years, and she was cold all over.

"You don't need to blame yourself. Gong junchi has designed everything. The boss has told you to leave this matter alone." Li Hao still formulaically said that his eyes were calm.

"I can't ignore it. It's all my fault. I shouldn't believe him. Take me to the police station. I want to see him." Chu Jiaxuan's eyes are firm. She will not let Pei nanjue be in trouble.

It turns out that Gong junchi had already designed everything, but she didn't know it. She also became an executioner and let him use it. Chu Jiaxuan, you are a complete fool.

The more Chu Jiaxuan thinks about it, the more her heart aches. She forces herself to calm down. She can't lose her sense of propriety. At this time, she must be calm.

Li Hao looked at Chu Jiaxuan's firm look and finally nodded.

The car drove steadily and went straight to the police station. Along the way, Li Hao told Chu Jiaxuan the matter simply.

This time, Pei nanjue is in trouble. Gong junchi doesn't know what means he used. Those who used Pei's cosmetics took Pei nanjue's company to court.

Now the shares of Pei's group have plummeted. The companies that have cooperated with Pei group have withdrawn their capital and shareholders have withdrawn. Now Pei's stock has gone bankrupt overnight.

Later, it was revealed in the media that Pei nanjue used improper means to deal with his competitors. Some even reported that he laundered money, but also complained about tax evasion and drug trafficking. He did all these things, and even had his seal on the documents.

All these things are pointing at him, can not find any gap.

Even the most famous lawyer in city a has no way to protect him.

Chu Jiaxuan listened to Li Hao's words, and her fingertips clasped tightly. Her anger at the bottom of her heart stirred up inch by inch.

"Now the most troublesome thing is that those people's statements are consistent with the president, and those statements are the biggest problem." Li Hao said in a low voice with a dignified face.

Chu Jiaxuan is silent. She doesn't realize that Gong junchi has already planned everything. He has already wanted to kill Pei nanjue.

It's no wonder that he has always been gloomy for a long time. He has a haze smell. It turns out that Chu Jiaxuan thought to herself, why can't we find out about him earlier?