"This is the result of the examination. You can take a look at the problems you should pay attention to during pregnancy. I still want to remind you not to eat cold food, eat more nutritious food, and try not to have sex before three months of pregnancy. Children are prone to miscarriage in the first three months. We must pay special attention to it." The doctor looked at Chu Jiaxuan and said.

Chu Jiaxuan nodded repeatedly, and tears flashed in her eyes. It was great that she finally had his child again. She held Tang Tang Tang's hand, and her face was filled with laughter.

She was pregnant, and he must make it clear to him that she could not let her child have no father. My heart was replaced by joy. He couldn't wait to tell him that she was pregnant with his child.

Chu Jiaxuan's heart is always happy when she comes out of the hospital. She and Pei nanjue may be together because of this child.

Tang Tang walks by Chu Jiaxuan's side and looks at her with a smile on her face.

"Honey, what if he won't listen to your explanation?" Tang Tang didn't want to say such words at this time, but this is the existing problem between them and can not be ignored.

"I'll go to him now, and I'll make it clear to him. Don't worry." Chujiaxuan, with a smile on her face, said to Tang Tang that he would definitely find him and make it clear that the child was his.

"Are you sure he will listen?" Tang Tang's heart is still a little worried. Pei nanjue is too overbearing. He can't hold a grain of sand in his eyes.

"Can you take me there?" Chu Jiaxuan looks at Tang Tang Tang and says that her eyes are full of joy.

She can't wait to tell him the news, she will be happy, this is their child, she has never betrayed him.

"Well, I'll take you there." Tang Tang doesn't know what to say at this time. I hope Chu Jiaxuan can really solve this misunderstanding with PEI nanjue. They have missed too much time. She doesn't want chu Jiaxuan to be hurt any more.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Tang sent Chu Jiaxuan to Pei's villa.

Chu Jiaxuan looks excited. She goes to the door and rings the doorbell. They haven't seen each other for a long time. They don't know if he is thin?

During this period of time, Pei nanjue has not had a good life. They tortured each other and the pain is their heart. Pei nanjue, like Chu Jiaxuan, paralyzes himself with his work every day, so that he does not have free time or calm down.

He worked late into the night in the company every day, and then went to work in the company in the early morning. Every day, he had a gloomy face, which made the employees in the company panic. When he saw him, he automatically hid far away, for fear of a disaster and getting himself in.

Pei nanjue's body was overdrawn by staying up late, so he took a rest at home today. As soon as he got down to the living room, he heard the doorbell ring. He went to open the door.

When the door opened, Chu Jiaxuan's face was reflected in his eyes. The face that he had been thinking about day and night appeared in front of him. His heart suddenly came to life. However, he immediately thought of her staying in the hotel with Gong junchi.

His face suddenly became cold, his eyes gave out a cold light, and his cold thin lips opened: "what are you doing here?"

Chu Jiaxuan didn't expect that it was Pei nanjue who opened the door. The moment they saw him, it seemed that they had not seen him for a century. He was thinner, his deep facial features became clearer, and his cold breath became colder.