He secretly planned to find a suitable time to propose to her. He wanted to marry her again and give her a grand wedding. He wanted to make up for all the days missed before. He wanted to give her a surprise.

I lifted my wrist and looked at the mechanical watch. It was 1:30 in the morning. I took a deep breath and turned back to my room to sleep.

The sun is shining, the sun has already risen high, and the birds have been chirping in the branches.

Chu Jiaxuan wakes up in a fierce knock on the door. She reaches out and rubs her head. Her eyes open and looks at the strange things. Her eyes are staring at her. For a moment, she doesn't know where she is.

The sound outside the door continues. Chu Jiaxuan's brain is blank. In a trance, someone suddenly lifts the quilt and gets up to open the door.

Before she had time to react, a loud noise came. Chu felt at a loss. She suddenly thought of something. She lifted up the quilt and found that she was wearing her pajamas, and her brain was like being chopped by thunder.

"Chu Jiaxuan!" An angry voice sounded, the man a cold breath, standing at the door, coldly looking at her sitting on the bed.

You then he saw Gong junchi standing beside the man, his upper body naked, his lower body wrapped in a scarf.

Chu Jiaxuan's brain was suddenly short circuited. She was too frightened to speak. He could only shake his head at Pei nanjue.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?" Pei nanjue's eyes were grim at her, and his cold breath came from hell, which made people shudder.

"I didn't, you believe me, I didn't." Chu Jiaxuan looks at Pei nanjue and says that her mind is blank now. She has no idea what happened.

"No, you were with her all night, and you said you had nothing to do with her?" Pei nanjue resisted his anger. He was afraid that she could not help but tear up the woman.

"Junchi, you tell him, we have nothing happened, nothing has happened." Chu Jiaxuan looks at Gong junchi with bloodshot eyes. He remembers to have dinner with him last night, but he doesn't remember what happened later.

Why am I here? What's going on now? Chu Jiaxuan's heart is full of thoughts, and her headache is about to crack.

Chu Jiaxuan looks at Gong junchi with pleading eyes. Only he knows what happened between them.

He must know that nothing happened to them.

"Say it! Nothing has happened! " Chu Jiaxuan is in a hurry, and Gong junchi roars.

"As you can see, we did happen last night." Gong junchi's reply makes Chu Jiaxuan's heart fall into the abyss. He sees Pei nanjue's cold eyes.

"I don't believe it! Nanjue, believe me, I didn't have a relationship with him. I didn't really... " Chu Jiaxuan looks at Pei nanjue and tears fall.

When the breath in the space drops to 0 degrees, Chu Jiaxuan feels her body and mind are cold. He doesn't know why junchi in the White House wants to be like this.

"You son of a bitch!" Pei nanjue turned and punched Gong junchi in the face. His face was full of anger. No wonder he called her last night, but she didn't answer.

Gong junchi was hit by Pei nanjue and fell back to the ground with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

Chu Jiaxuan got out of bed. She ran to Pei nanjue. She held him in her hand and tried to explain to her, "you believe me, nothing really happened with her."