The waiter raised his hand and ordered a cup of hot coffee for Li.

Li Xianxian sits opposite him and reaches out to take down the sunglasses. Her delicate face is suddenly reflected in Gong junchi's eyes.

"Why do you have time to ask me out today?" Li Xianxian looks at Gong junchi and says with a smile that his eyes are full of inquiry.

"Did you read the news?" Gong junchi goes straight to the theme without any roundabout.

"So what? They're both together Li Xianxian wry smile, they two people so high-profile show love, how can he not receive news about him, she never let go.

"Do you like it?" Gong junchi asks the exit lightly? She looked directly at her, looked at it said a serious face, see through the cool look, two people have a common goal, know who is in love? What they want, the two of them can cooperate, the beloved, to take back.

Pei nanjue wanted to be with Chu Jiaxuan, and he would never allow him to. He should try every means to deepen the damage and contradiction between them.

"What can you do?" Li Xianxian took a sip of coffee, and then asked for a sound.

"We both have the same goal, don't we? One is the man you love. The other is Chu Jiaxuan. In this case, we can cooperate. I don't want to see them together. " Gong junchi directly explained his intention.

"So what are you going to do?" Li Xianxian is a smart man, Gong junchi said so, she naturally understood what he wanted to say.

"The two of us can cooperate to make trouble for them and keep them away from each other." Gong junchi said directly that his fingers unconsciously touched the rim of the cup. He looked careless and exuded a profound breath all over his body.

Li Xianxian looks at the man in front of him and feels that he has changed and become different. Although the breath on his body has not changed much, the person is still so gentle and elegant, but he feels different.

"You have changed." Li Xianxian looked at him and said with a smile in his eyes.

I remember that when I went abroad before, he was not like this. At that time, he still wanted to be successful. But today, he said that he didn't want them to be together.

This makes him a little surprised. There are not many people in the coffee shop. It's office time. There are several people scattered in the coffee shop. They are suitable for talking about things and playing relaxed music. Li Xianxian and Gong junchi are planning how to destroy them.

Gong junchi had a grudge against Pei nanjue, but now he hates Pei nanjue even more.

One day, he would trample on Baron Pei. He would destroy her family and leave her lover. He wanted him to taste his pain.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when they left the cafe.

The setting sun had already set in the West. He took a look at the sky and said to Li Xianxian, "remember our agreement and go first."

"Goodbye." Li Qianqian was in a good mood and waved to him. Gong junchi's lips were stained with a smile. Looking at his farther and farther figure, the smile on her face faded, and she turned and walked in the opposite direction.

Gong junchi left yunshang coffee shop and drove directly to the wedding dress shop.

In the wedding dress shop, Chu Jiaxuan and Tang Tang Tang are discussing the design of the wedding dress. A customer asked them to change the details of the wedding dress at the tail, so they are discussing.