"I just feel sorry for him. I owe him too much." Chu Jiaxuan said to Pei nanjue that he was the only one in the world who felt sorry.

"Well, don't think about it. Let's go. It's cold. When he understands, he will come out." Pei nanjue looked at Chu Jiaxuan and said, "open the door and let her sit in it again.".

With the heater in the car, Chu Jiaxuan felt a lot warmer when she sat in the car. She didn't have the chilly feeling outside the car. The temperature in the car was warm and she was not afraid of the cold wind.

After getting on the bus, Pei nanjue started his car and left. He didn't want to stay here any more.

"To my house?" Pei nanjue opened his mouth and looked at the front of the road, breaking the silence in the car.

"What are you doing at your house? No Chu Jiaxuan refuses to go to his house even if he doesn't want to.

"No, you promised me to stay in my house for one day and you for one day, or I will move to your house tomorrow." He was overbearing and could not refuse.

Anyway, he has made up his mind. If she doesn't go to his house, he will move to her house.

"Mr. Pei, do I have a choice?" Chu Jiaxuan spoke helplessly and looked at his perfect side face, which was sharp and angular. The cold moonlight was reflected on his face, showing a fatal attraction.

Chu Jiaxuan looks at Pei nanjue like this, and suddenly he feels that God is very good to her. At least she can be with the people she likes. There is no separation or uneasiness. She hopes that all this is a good start.

But tomorrow and the accident, no one knows which will come first, the present is the most important.

In a trance, the man's voice rang again: "do you think about it? Your family is still my home. "

His voice was full of the smell of no rejection. Anyway, he made up his mind that he would not sleep alone tonight, he would stick to her.

Chu Jiaxuan reached for her forehead and turned to look at him: "your home."

"Good. It will be your home in the future." Pei nanjue was like an announcement. Chu Jiaxuan was filled with laughter.

Chu Jiaxuan found that she was easily moved and sentimental recently. She didn't know if she had more now, so she was afraid to lose. Her relationship with PEI nanjue was hard won. She was afraid that one day her dream would suddenly wake up and everything would return to the origin. He did not belong to her, nor did she belong to him.

The night was getting cold, and the dark night had already swallowed up everything.

Chu Jiaxuan looks at the man sleeping beside her and gently depicts his deep facial features and thick eyebrows.

The cold moonlight refracted through the window on his face, which made his face more and more attractive.

The man's quiet face, at the moment, he is like a baby, unprepared, less aloof during the day, more affinity. Chu Jiaxuan looks at him, raises her red lips, and gently kisses his cold thin lips.

"I love you..." She looked at him and whispered, her eyes full of affection, leaned against his arms and closed her eyes comfortably.

Time is the hourglass, silent night, silent sigh, with the beautiful into sleep.

The relationship between Chu Jiaxuan and Pei nanjue is growing day by day. Pei nanjue will take Chu Jiaxuan out with him when he goes to any business activities or social activities, and the two go out in pairs all day long.