"Then don't talk nonsense. Patients should take good care of themselves. What you need now is rest." Chu Jiaxuan knows that Gong junchi's body is still very weak. She doesn't want Gong junchi to waste his physical strength and say something unimportant to her.

Seeing Chu Jiaxuan's cold face, Gong junchi doesn't say anything more, so that she won't be happy for a while.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the cold moonlight sprinkles into the earth, with dim light at the ends of the branches.

Pei nanjue was lying in the hospital bed. Under the dim light of Su, his beautiful side face was more and more cold and proud.

Chu Jiaxuan's figure and everything about her flashed in her head: "Chu Jiaxuan, Chu Jiaxuan, have you fallen asleep now?"

On the other hand, Chu Jiaxuan does not sleep much better than Pei nanjue. She has been busy all day. At this time, she is curling up at the edge of Gong junchi's bed, protecting herself in a protective manner. The heating is on indoors, which is in sharp contrast to the cold outside.

Chu Jiaxuan sleeps very uncomfortable. The pain in her shoulder prevents her from falling asleep.

She has adjusted her sleeping position many times, but she still can't feel at ease. Her head flashed through some pictures.

Chu Jiaxuan is extremely tired. She opens her red eyes and listens to Gong junchi's even breath. She tries to hypnotize herself and counts the sheep in her heart.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Chu Jiaxuan, who has insomnia, is in a very bad mood. I wonder if Pei nanjue is asleep at this time?

In the dead of night, the most suitable thing is to think.

Chu Jiaxuan's confused thoughts were flying in the air. She felt that her whole person was not good. She could not find the light.

As time went by, Chu Jiaxuan fell asleep in the middle of the night.

In the dark, Gong junchi opens his eyes. He looks at Chu Jiaxuan, who is already asleep. His eyes are filled with affection.

In the dark, he can't see Jiaxuan's face clearly, but he can't feel the general outline of chujiaxuan's face. He can feel her uneasiness, her anxiety and her insomnia pain.

In fact, he didn't fall asleep until he confirmed that Chu Jiaxuan was asleep. Only then could he be relieved to look at her wrongly.

Reach out and gently touch Chu Jiaxuan's tender skin and feel the warmth she brings to him.

He is greedy for her warmth, and this accident is the best thing for him.

Gong junchi looks at Chu Jiaxuan in silence until the sky lights up, and he slowly falls asleep.

In the early morning, wisps of golden light through the clouds bring warmth to the cold winter. The branches and leaves begin to sprout teeth. It seems that spring is coming, and the birds are flying to the south.

Chu Jiaxuan is still lying on the edge of her bed and sleeping. The sun is shining on her and she is covered with a layer of golden light. In the sunshine, she looks very beautiful, as beautiful as an angel.

"Dong Dong..." Chu Jiaxuan wakes up with a knock on the door, and she gets up to open the door.

Outside, the doctor smiles, nods to Chu Jiaxuan and enters the ward. Gong junchi's examination report has come out. The doctor tells Chu Jiaxuan about Gong junchi's physical condition.

The doctor said that Gong junchi was in good health, which made Chu Jiaxuan's heart drop. The spleen bleeding seemed to have disappeared. Gong junchi's body is recovering rapidly. His body has always been in good health and has strong recovery ability.

"We should be discharged soon." After finishing Gong junchi's condition, the doctor finally said with a smile.