When she first met Pei nanjue, she was deeply attracted by him. From then on, she couldn't help herself.

However, young people do not know where to rise, go deep, hate is missing, entangled and exiled.

She loved him as a girl, until she was an adult.

In a trance, someone patted her on the shoulder. Chu Jiaxuan regained consciousness and looked up at Tang Tang nervously.

"What's the matter with you?" Tang Tang sees Chu Jiaxuan's red and swollen eyes and sits down opposite her, caring about her mouth.

Chu Jiaxuan shook her head: "I broke up with junchi."

Chu Jiaxuan's words are like a fried egg. She looks at her stupidly, as if she heard her wrong.

With a smile on her face.

"What are you talking about? Did I hear you wrong As if after a century so long, Tang Tang's mouth.

Chu Jiaxuan pulled her lips: "I heard you right. I broke up with him."

There is nothing that can't be said about this. Anyway, she will have to know about his breakup with Gong junchi. Rather than wait for them to find out, she might as well take the initiative to say it.

"Why? Are you because of Baron Pei Tang Tang tone raised a little bit, the fundus of the eye is full of disbelief.

Didn't they decide to get married? How did you break up all of a sudden? It's really hard for her to accept.

"It's not because of Baron Pei. Even without him, I couldn't have been with him." Chu Jiaxuan spoke bitterly.

She tried hard for a long time, but she couldn't like him, and she shouldn't drag him. It's too unfair for him.

Since you can't love, let him go early and let him find his own happiness.

When she was with Gong junchi, she had never married Gong junchi. Until the time when old lady Gong forced her to marry Gong junchi, she began to care about it.

Originally thought that she could marry Gong junchi calmly, but she couldn't. Pei nanjue's shadow was constantly echoing in her mind.

Until the kidnapping incident, she made up her mind to break up with Gong junchi.

She doesn't want to cheat herself, and she doesn't want to hurt Gong junchi.

"But he likes you so much." Tang Tang can't help but feel sorry for their feelings. In her eyes, Pei nanjue is more suitable for her than Gong junchi.

"I know he likes me, but his feelings are not playful. The longer you drag on, the greater the damage will be. Do you want me to repent when I get married with Gong junchi?" Chu Jiaxuan said in silence.

It is the best choice to solve the problem as soon as possible when the injury is still too heavy and everything is available.

"I know. Do you really want it?" Tang Tang opened her mouth. Of course, she knew what her friends thought.

Some time ago, Chu Jiaxuan began to be abnormal since the news headlines about Pei nanjue and the mysterious woman returned home. Everything she did seemed to have lost her soul.

"Well, I love Baron Pei. From this kidnapping incident, I can see my heart clearly." Chu Jiaxuan said frankly and looked at Tang Tang's eyes.

"What about Baron Pei? Is he the same as you? Don't forget, there is a mysterious woman behind him now. " Tang Tang was worried.

What worries her most is that Chu Jiaxuan will be injured by him again, just as she did in those years.

The more people care, the more vulnerable they are to injury.

"This matter, Baron Pei told me that the woman was his life-saving benefactor. He was in an accident abroad and almost died."