Three years later

Los Angeles, USA

Chu Jiaxuan is busy in her room, her hair is hanging over her back at will. In three years, in a short period of three years, Chu Jiaxuan not only obtained the qualification of senior designer and his ability was recognized, but also took double degrees in financial law The spirit.

At this time, the white and slender hands were folding the clothes on her bed, and there was a suitcase lying on the ground.

"Dong Dong Dong..." There was a sudden knock outside the door.

Chu Jiaxuan red lips slightly hook, eyes a curve: "Mom, come in."

"Jiaxuan, you're going back to China tomorrow. Are you ready?" Su Shanshan comes in, sits down beside Chu Jiaxuan's bed and starts to tidy up the clothes on the bed for her.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about it. Where's your stuff? Are you ready? " Full red lips open and close, smart and intelligent eyes overflow as bright as streamer.

"When you're ready, you can come down to eat. Junchi is already downstairs." Su's mother opened her mouth and maintained her decent face. She was a singer before, and her temperament was also outstanding.

"Good." With a mischievous brush, he put the last piece of clothes in his hand into the trunk, stood up, and took Su Mu downstairs.

Downstairs, Gong junchi sits on a leather sofa, with a smile in his eyes, looking at Chu Jiaxuan and Su Mu who come down from upstairs.

Looking at Chu Jiaxuan's confident smile, bright teeth and white skin, Gong junchi's eyes seem to overflow, focusing and affectionate on her.

For three years, Gong junchi has been accompanying Chu Jiaxuan, watching her step by step to this day, and seeing her whole body light up, he is happy for her.

"Junchi, long time ago?" Chu Jiaxuan sits down opposite Gong junchi. She looks at Gong junchi with a smart pen. Her face is full of fresh and elegant temperament. Her LV tights make her more beautiful and moving.

"No, just arrived. Are you ready?" His lips were wide open, and a warm and charming voice came from his mouth.

"All right." Confident response, his face is bright.

Looking at Gong junchi in front of her, Chu Jiaxuan is full of gratitude. For three years, he has been with her. Without him, she would not have achieved what she is today.

Gong junchi after three years of baptism, people have become more and more mature, more and more attractive, man's gentle breath, do not need to deliberately, also let people want to get close.

"Don't you say you go back first?" Chu Jiaxuan opened her mouth with a smile and her voice was clear and crisp.

"It's not too late. Let's go back together." With a faint smile and a charming smile on his face, Gong junchi looks at Chu Jiaxuan without blinking.

Originally, he wanted to go back home first, but he couldn't rest assured, so he had to wait for her to go home together.

Chu Jiaxuan smiles, blinks her eyelashes twice, and smiles at Gong junchi.

"Are you ready? We have a hard stick to fight back Crisp mouth, looking at Gong junchi's eyes are full of confidence.

Pei nanjue, I haven't seen you for three years. I really want to know what you have become. I guess you have forgotten me, ha ha.

Looking at Chu Jiaxuan's face, Gong junchi began to smile,

"of course." Gong junchi opened his mouth. A short two words calmed Chu Jiaxuan's heart. It was time to start some things.