This was the first time that Pei nanjue forced Bao. She did not leave after that. But what does this mean? Just now, he forcibly occupied himself.

This man is so bad to himself.

If only he had killed him, it would have been nice, and there would have been no more pain.

Chu Jiaxuan only felt the pain of falling apart. She was full of anger. She broke open Pei nanjue and put her arm around her.

I didn't die, ha ha, she thought in despair. If only I had died just now, it would have been better. I would not have to bear any pain, nor the coldness and disgust of the one I love.

She pushed the man's hand away with great effort, but she lost her weight and fell back heavily.

Her shoulder bumped into the crystal floor lamp beside the bed, which immediately broke and her body fell uncontrollably over the glass wreckage. The glass immediately penetrated her back, and the bloodstain quickly dyed the ground red.

She did not scream, but the pain straight out of the air conditioning, this moment she suddenly wanted to die.

Pei nanjue was awakened by the sound of broken glass and saw Chu Jiaxuan lying on the ground covered with blood.

At this moment, he felt as if his blood had solidified and his breath would stop. He had never been so afraid. He got out of bed in a hurry and took Chu Jiaxuan in his arms, regardless of the broken glass.

Her eyes were red and swollen, her body was covered with red and purple marks left by him, and her back was bleeding.

Chu Jiaxuan saw Pei nanjue's face gradually blurred in front of her eyes, "why didn't I die?"

Her voice was very small, her eyes were dull, empty and scattered, and her eyes finally could not support and slowly closed.

"Chu Jiaxuan! Chu Jiaxuan! "

"Chu Jiaxuan! I don't want you to do anything. Wake up! "

The man picked her up, dressed them casually with the fastest speed, took her and drove to the hospital.

All the way, Chu Jiaxuan didn't respond to his roar, just like a ragged doll.

It was not until he was admitted to the hospital that Chu Jiaxuan was pushed into the operating room, and he sat down feebly.

Why didn't I die.

Chu Jiaxuan's voice echoed in his head.

Why didn't I die. Yeah, why did Chu Yi, not her, die at the beginning! She should have been damned.

If she is not there, who can make up for Chu Yiyi's death? It must be so, so he doesn't want her to die.

What has changed?

He put his arm on his knee and held his head in silence.

An elderly female doctor came out of the operating room. He immediately asked about the situation, looking nervous.

"The patient is still in a coma." The doctor said mercilessly, "you are the patient's family."

"Yes, it's my wife."

"Are you responsible for the injury to the patient?" The doctor's face was angry, as if he was not used to the young man with bad complexion in front of him. "We gave the patient a general examination, and the patient's physical condition was very poor."

The doctor thought of the scars and bruises on the patient, and immediately defined it as domestic violence. She looked down on the cruel man in her heart.

"Do you know the patient is close to threatened abortion! Be nice to your wife in the future. Today's young people are really... "

"What are you talking about? You mean she's pregnant The doctor was interrupted by the man's surprised voice.

"Yes, about three weeks." The doctor went on to say a few words of reprimand.

Pei nanjue was silent all the time. No one saw him. He bowed his head slightly and looked gloomy. Except for every time yesterday, he let Chu Jiaxuan take contraceptives.