Chapter 953 Souta and Redmist vs. Paente I

Chapter 953 Souta and Redmist vs. Paente I

?The air sizzled with the intensity of the flames as Red Mist transformed the landscape into a blazing inferno, her movements swift as she closed in on Paente.

Within the searing conflagration, Paente's anguished screams reverberated, his form writhing in agony amidst the engulfing flames.

As the flames subsided, Paente emerged, his charred figure revealing the extent of his ordeal. Despite his burned flesh, he displayed a remarkable ability to regenerate, the damaged skin sloughing off to reveal unblemished flesh in a matter of moments.

Red Mist regarded him with a raised eyebrow and an expanding smile. "Ah, still clinging to life," she remarked casually. "Your incredible regenerative capacity is reminiscent of someone I once knew—a man who has immortality curse. Perhaps you've heard of him: the Immortal Thyvin."

"I'll tear you limb from limb!" Paente seethed, his fury igniting like a raging inferno.

"Yet you struggle to string together coherent sentences," Red Mist sighed, her disappointment palpable as she waved her hand dismissively.

"I have no desire for conflict, but if you insist on hindering my departure from this country, I'll have no choice but to eliminate you," Red Mist declared, her energy pulsating as her transformation began. Red scales emerged on her skin, her eyes assuming a reptilian aspect, while fiery wings akin to a dragon's sprouted from her back.

Observing from the sidelines, Souta narrowed his eyes, recognizing that Red Mist was escalating the situation. While formidable, she faced a formidable opponent in Paente.

Paente halted, his gaze fixed on Red Mist's metamorphosis, a primal hunger gleaming in his eyes.

"A spirit?! With it, the tree's growth will be accelerated exponentially. Devouring it will allow me to consume the barrier and all within, hastening the world's demise!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing with madness.

The ground quaked as massive roots erupted, impaling Paente's form. Glowing green veins spread across his body, convulsions wracking his form.


A powerful shockwave rippled outward, heralding the emergence of a dark crimson giant flower, surrounded by energy-spewing branches. Souta recognized the danger posed by the energy rays, swiftly evading their lethal trajectories.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Red Mist unleashed a ball of flame, only for it to be effortlessly repelled. Dodging the energy rays, she retaliated with a more potent blast.


Yet again, her attack was nullified, the resilience of Paente's defenses proving formidable.

"Tsk, what a lunatic," Red Mist muttered in irritation, vexed by the unexpected confrontation after completing her task. "If I had known some tree enthusiast would show up, I would've departed as soon as my mission was done."

As the flower bloomed, thick smoke billowed from its petals, signaling the culmination of its energy. The space quaked under the immense power emanating from the flower.

"[First Form: Lifeless Tribulation of the Blood Lightning]!"

A torrent of blood-colored lightning surged forth, enveloping Paente's form in its crackling embrace.

Hovering in the air, Red Mist observed the spectacle, pinpointing Paente's location before unleashing her own assault.

"[Holy Flame Strike]!"

A searing beam of holy flame collided with Souta's lightning, converging on Paente's position and triggering a cataclysmic explosion that rocked the very foundation of the battlefield.


The resulting blast reverberated with devastating force, sending shockwaves rippling outward and threatening to engulf everything in its path. Souta and Red Mist were forcibly propelled backward by the sheer intensity of the explosion, their eyes fixed on the billowing smoke as it obscured their view.

As they landed on the ground, their gazes remained trained on the smoke, a sense of foreboding looming over them. Their instincts warned of imminent danger, prompting them to hold their ground rather than pursue Paente further.

Taking a deep breath, Souta reflected on the voice he had heard

—Gilaine's voice. It was a confirmation that her consciousness still lingered, not completely consumed by Paente's influence.

Turning to Red Mist, Souta spoke with resolve, "I know how to end this. Let's eradicate his form precisely three minutes from now."

Red Mist regarded Souta with a sidelong glance, questioning, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Souta elaborated, "The Hydra will dismantle the tree, and someone from our side will eradicate its roots within the barrier. To ensure success, we must synchronize the destruction of all three components simultaneously, preventing his continual regeneration."

"Hmm... So that's the sole method to vanquish this botanical foe," Red Mist murmured, her gaze fixed on the dissipating smoke.


A shockwave rippled through the air, dispersing the smoke and unveiling Paente's altered form. His appearance had undergone yet another transformation—long white hair cascaded around dark green skin adorned with black tattoos. Possessing three pairs of arms and jet-black eyes, he sported attire reminiscent of verdant foliage.

His aura exuded a newfound tranquility, a stark departure from the tumultuous energies of before.

"It took some time... But now, mastery is mine," Paente muttered, sensing the surging power coursing through his veins. Aware that his potential remained untapped, he resolved to ascend even further, heralding the rise of a new race—the Enders, destined to usher in the world's demise.

"A new race? Your ambitions end here today," Red Mist retorted, her tone resolute.

Paente turned towards Red Mist upon hearing her defiance, his gaze flitting between her and Souta. With a smirk, he declared, "Your fate is sealed. You shall serve as nourishment, aiding in my ascension. Resist if you dare."

Unfazed, Red Mist raised her hand challengingly, beckoning him forth. "Try me."

Meanwhile, Souta tightened his grip on his sword, infusing his being with energy as some of his wounds swiftly healed, leaving only a few remaining.