Luo Yun Xiao slightly picked to pick eyebrow, "nine leave of Lord?"? Unfortunately, it's far from mature. It's a little tender. " He was empty handed, moving between his fingers. Three swords suddenly appeared in the void and galloped towards the end of Chu Dynasty. Puchi! The sound of the sharp blade penetrating the flesh and blood made Chu's pale face fade the last trace of blood. There was a low murmur in his mouth. But his hand with the long silver bow was very steady. Almost at the moment when the three swords flew out, the black arrow also left. Luo Yunxiao slightly droops her eyes and looks at the black air twining around her body. Her eyebrows wrinkle slightly“ Chu Mo leaves, you still really don't want to die. " He said, with a slight doubt in his eyes, "now the door of the sky is wide open. As the Lord of the nine leagues, you can go back to your own territory at will. There is no hatred between you and me. What's the matter with you? Are you going to run this muddy water? " At the end of Chu, Li slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, leaving the wheelchair red with the blood flowing from his body. The corner of his mouth still held a faint smile: "since you have my little martial uncle's memory, you should know what it is. I don't care about the life and death of other people in this world, but... "Only xiaoyaomen, he will never allow anyone to hurt. Because this is his reincarnation for thousands of years, the only recognized family. The light in Luo Yun Xiao's eyes twinkled for a moment, then recovered as usual: "is that right? What does that have to do with me? " After a pause, there was a ripple in the bloody eyes“ To me, everyone in this world is dirty, selfish, greedy, ugly, everyone should die! If the land of martial arts does not die out, if the human race in this world does not die out, the curse of the emperor of eternal night will not be lifted, and my hatred will never die out At the end of Chu, Li chumou didn't speak, but explored the injury of Mu Yan who was in a coma. Do people in this world deserve to die? It has nothing to do with him! He doesn't care whether he dies or not. It has nothing to do with him whether the mainland will be destroyed or not. If he had been betrayed and abused like Qihuang, and the resentment of being robbed and killed again and again in the world of mortals had deepened, he would have frustrated everyone in the world and made them suffer so much that they would never be able to live beyond themselves. But if only if after all, the world will never really feel the same. People who stand for different positions are naturally different. Because what he felt in this world was not betrayal and pain, but the warmth and peace he had never tasted. Therefore, he does not allow people he cares about to die. Will also do whatever it takes to fulfill the wishes of the younger martial sister, so that this precarious world can survive. Luo Yunxiao, or the half soul of the world, didn't want to resonate. So he soon recovered his indifference: "it seems that you are determined to live and die with people in this world. In this case, Lord of the nine leagues, I will help you. But you have to think clearly that this time you die, even if you can be reborn again, you will be in a world where life is cut off and the core of origin is broken. Maybe after you are reborn, you will not be able to grow to its heyday or even return to the main world for hundreds of millions of years. " In response to him is the silver bow that appears again in Chu Mo Li's hands. This time, however, the speed at which the black arrow condenses is obviously slower. The blood also dyed his clothes red.