He just fell from the top, but stepped on a cloud. But now, he is really falling down endlessly. Once through this endless void of the small world, his body, his spirit will be torn by the fierce storm. No one can live beyond the ashes. Ling Yusheng wants to struggle, but his whole strength has been drained. Not even the ability to move a finger. On the boy's pale face, his face changed from struggling to helpless and despondent, and finally he gave up in despair. Sorry, younger martial sister. I'm still Ling Yusheng, who is self abased, cowardly and useless. Hurt, only dare to use abnormal makeup to hide themselves, camouflage themselves. But I dare not face it. Over the years, he thought he was still growing strong enough. It turns out that he is still the weak and incompetent Ling Yusheng who will only drag everyone down. Brother Qing, I'm sorry. I may not be able to go back to see you“ Xiaosheng... Xiaosheng... Xiaosheng... "Ling Yusheng's closed eyes suddenly opened. Brother Qing... Why does he seem to hear brother Qing's voice? No, it's not just brother Qing's voice. There were also countless groans, growls, and wails of pain that struck his spirit. Ling Yusheng, who fell in the void, slowly curled up. That's... What's that sound? Is it his illusion, or is it really happening? How could there be such a sound? Just then, a familiar voice came to his ear. Gentle and elegant, with a bit of carelessness“ I guess at this point, you probably can't hold on. " Third Elder martial brother“ This trial space, I have no way to stop. It's better to live than to die. If you expect me to save your lives now, you'd better wash and sleep! " Rao is in such a desperate moment, Ling Yusheng's mouth or smoked. Third Elder martial brother, can you be more abnormal and unreliable? Just listen to Chu Mo Li's casual voice to continue: "but after all, it's impossible to really watch you die with the same family. Well... According to the theory of exorcism, I'll give you a shot of cardiotonic and give you a little psychological encouragement. " Ling Yusheng was stunned. Cardiotonic? What kind of cardiotonic? The next moment, a flower in front of his eyes. No, not in front of his eyes, but in his mind. Ling Yusheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and his breathing almost stopped. Ghosts... Killing... Corpses everywhere... And then, a little bit of focus on the bloody rain of a place. That's Ouyang Qing! He wanted to go to a tower, but was stopped by countless ghosts and friars. The sharp fangs of the ghost gnawed at his flesh and blood. A sword light fell on him and beat him black and blue. However, Ouyang Qing bit her teeth and moved forward step by step, with a shallow smile on her face. "Xiao Sheng, don't be afraid. I know you are very timid... I know you don't like to bear such a heavy burden. Don't be afraid. I will come to you soon..." roar -! The deafening roar, accompanied by the open mouth, suddenly engulfed the unforgettable figure“ Brother Qing --! " Ling Yusheng didn't know where the strength came from. He suddenly straightened up and rushed forward. However, this is the scene directly projected on his will sea, where can we touch it?