The next moment, a red magic wand appeared in his hand, and directly hit Chu Mo Li's head. When -! The wand was stopped in the middle by a crystal clear sword. Wen zhe raised his head and looked up at Mu Yan's face, which was so delicate that he was puzzled. His pupils shrank slightly. One side of the piano is still melodious reverberating, isolated from the control of Xumi ring subspace. But in front of her, there is a king admiring Yan, which can only show that she has already cultivated the high-level skill of the divine musician, that is, the double shadow. Wen Zhe's idea just flashed through his mind. I feel a sharp pain behind me. Then a burning feeling of soul comes from the body. Wen Zhe's face changed greatly and he suddenly turned his head to look at it. Then he saw the third junmuyan! Triple split!! Junmuyan has already cultivated the divine musician skill [shadow heavy] to triple shadow. It's only a few years since she stepped into the fairyland? It's too old to be a young girl. How is it done? Wen zhe was frightened and frightened. His figure disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, his face looked gloomy as if he could drop water. Behind him, the black flame was burning, which made him almost unable to stand“ Your highness His subordinates hold him, looking at the huge void behind him and the still burning black flame, his face shows an expression of panic, "Your Highness, your back..." Wen zhe pushes the man away, takes out the bamboo flute with a calm face, and wants to play. However, he found that his evil spirit and divine consciousness could not be concentrated, and he could no longer pour into the bamboo flute. And because the bamboo flute no longer rings, half of the low-level ghosts gradually turn into blood and disappear in the temple of heavenly charm. The pressure of magic and spiritual cultivation in the temple suddenly decreased. In particular, the master of the Yin Yang sect completely recovered. Although he, youyue and bailiweiran, including several other immortal kings, could not use all the immortal Qi, he had some magic weapons that could be used without a lot of immortal Qi and magic Qi. All of a sudden, the situation reversed, and the ghosts were isolated and slaughtered one by one. There are only three four step ghosts left. They are now blocked by the sound wall built by holy hand weaving heaven. But as time goes on, the sound wall can't stop them. These people are dead in the end. But Wen Zhe's eyes were still extremely fierce. He never thought that he thought he would win, but he was calculated by two yellow mouthed children“ Your highness, shall we do it? " Wen zhe shook his head and said with a sneer, "no, no matter how they resist, it's just a dying struggle. Since they want to live so much, let them live a little longer, and then die a little more painful! " With that, he squeezed the black charm in his hand, closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath to expel the power of the curse in his body. One side of the subordinates want to talk and stop, finally did not say anything On the other side, looking at the changes in the situation in the palace, Mu Yan slowly breathed out a sigh and said with regret: "it's a pity that we have waited so long, and it's not easy to wait until this moment. Almost killed him with the [blood curse] The face of Chu Mo leaves is more and more pale, but the facial expression on the face is still gentle calm. He gently turned the jade finger in his hand, his voice was slightly weak, and said: "next, I'm really helpless. Little younger martial sister, please take care of yourself! "