Night eleven is like hearing the funniest joke. However, without waiting for him to laugh, night three, who had not spoken much beside him, suddenly said, "you don't know the reason. I think the new master XuanZhen will be very clear?"“ what? Master XuanZhen is here! "“ Excellent! Now the city of mercy is saved! " Chueh Ming's face brightened, and he quickly led more than a dozen other people to join hands and bow to salute: "Congratulations, martial uncle XuanZhen." In the city of mercy, everyone knows. Today's abbot of Dabei temple [Master Shanhui] is a great disciple of Bodhidharma. XuanZhen is also a disciple of master Shanhui and an elder of the law enforcement hall. In Dabei temple, XuanZhen's accomplishments and strength are second only to Bodhidharma's younger martial brothers and disciples. In the city of compassion, it has a great reputation. A moment later, I saw the monk in ordinary yellow monk's clothes landing slowly from the sky. Jueming's tense nerves relax instantly. Today, these gangsters who attack mercy city are ruthless one by one, and they have unexpected means. Originally, Chueh Ming was really worried about the heavy losses of the eighteen bronze men. Now I see martial uncle XuanZhen, but my heart immediately returns to its original position. As long as martial uncle XuanZhen is around, these demons will not be able to hop for long. As soon as XuanZhen falls to the ground, he ignores Chueh Ming and the merciful city people who salute him. Instead, he stares at night three, then sweeps night eleven, and his eyebrows slowly wrinkle. Dark night three one step forward, stretched out his hand to pull off the mask on his face, revealing a scar crisscross face. When the cultivation reaches the level of Xuanxian, the whole body is shaped with immortal bones, and skin injuries can be basically healed without medicine. Scars are almost impossible. However, the scars on his face in the dark night were extremely terrible, showing a lot of cyan that made his scalp numb, just like countless insects creeping across his face“ Master XuanZhen, long time no see! " "Oh, by the way, I forgot. I'm afraid master XuanZhen can't recognize me now." XuanZhen was stunned for a while, then he put his hands together and said "Amitabha" softly: "I'm old, and some of them can't remember clearly, but I still have some impression. The name of benefactor seems to be [Lin Yucheng]“ Shut up! " The calm on night three's face could not be maintained any longer, and a black charm in his hand suddenly threw out, "bald ass, you don't deserve to call my name!" XuanZhen stepped back, keeping his hands together, and his golden light suddenly lit up. The black talisman collided with the golden mask and was burned clean in a flash. XuanZhen lowered his eyes slightly, and his voice was gentle, but his words were cold: "I advised martial uncle wuche to eliminate evil at the beginning. All the sleeping bodies have been infected with the evil karma of exterminating the world. Even if they survive by chance, they should be eradicated to prevent future trouble... Now it seems that my decision is correct."“ Good, good! How wonderful! This is the eminent monk of Dabei temple. Ha ha In the dark night, he burst out laughing, his eyes were congested, and the ferocious scar on his face beat again and again: "XuanZhen, let's see. Today, I was cut off by you, or did you leave nothing in Dabei temple!"