Ying Ying bowed and said: "according to the return of the spies lurking in the netherworld, it seems that Yin Wuji suddenly changed his attitude and ordered the army to withdraw. Maybe something happened in the court of the nether world. " The Emperor Ming Jue looked at the sky which had begun to darken in the distance and frowned slightly. The fingers subconsciously hold the virtual ring between the fingers and rotate slowly. For some reason, there was always a bad feeling in his heart. But it should be a good thing for him to have an accident in the netherworld, isn't it“ Sir, what shall we do? " The star wolf excitedly said: "the nether world has retreated. The demons are by no means our opponents in the polar world. Do we want to start first? Before the army of the netherworld comes back, let's fight the demons first..." before he finished his words, he saw his monarch's eyes as cold as an idiot. The star wolf voice is one meal, blankly way: "gentleman, how?"? Did you say something wrong? " Just at this time, someone outside the house reported: "the demon emissary, Xueji girl, asks to see you!" Everyone in the room was stunned. The two armies are fighting each other, and the war is coming. The demons don't like to engage in conspiracy in the netherworld. What do you send messengers to do at this time? Only emperor mingjue knew it. At this time, Jun Zaitian can't help but want to inquire about the origin of [magic nuclear blood jade]. But he promised Mu Yan that she would not reveal her identity before she met Jun Xiyuan. At this time, naturally, I'm not interested in dealing with any demon messengers. Just about to refuse, but there is a hesitation in my heart. Although Mu Yan has a grudge against Jun Xiyuan, he is related by blood. Most of all, that damned engagement. He couldn't bear it for a moment. He just wanted to get rid of it immediately. Thinking of this, Emperor Ming Jue said in a deep voice: "bring people in." The people outside the gate should go to the camp to pass orders. Chang Lao is a little suspicious to look at the Emperor Ming Jue. He always felt that the actions of the Lord and the devil were very strange today. There seems to be a secret between them that no one else can know. The sight falls unconsciously to Zhu Yu at the waist of Emperor Ming Jue. Eh, this jade looks familiar! He seems to have seen it there. A flash of inspiration in my mind, Chang is about to catch something. All of a sudden, a bloody light came up from the chest of emperor mingjue, forming a strange totem. The totem kept shaking in the blood light, as if it would shatter at any time. There was a moment of silence in the room, and all of them suddenly changed color“ This... This is the blood contract totem! It's the totem of the broken army“ Totem fragmentation, is it on behalf of the army is about to die? How could that be? " Emperor Ming Jue volleyed in the air, and there was a crystal clear soul lamp like Jasper in his palm. It's just the flame on the soul lamp. At this time, it's only the size of soybean. And with the breeze blowing in the window gently shaking, flickering, as if at any time will disappear. Chang Lao's face was pale, and he looked at the emperor mingjue in horror: "you are in danger of breaking the army!" The Emperor Ming Jue's look is still calm. He says in a deep voice: "I can feel the position of breaking the army now. He is in the martial arts mainland. I will go here now..." Chang Lao Lian says in a hurry: "don't worry, we will never let people find that you have left." They all know that there are internal ghosts in the polar regions. There are also many people in the nether world and the demons who want to swallow the polar world. If it is known that emperor mingjue went to the mainland to perform martial arts, there will be no shortage of ambush and killing like Li Weiran.