"It's easy for an immortal to abandon a mortal woman. And the mortal woman wants to find her immortal husband... Oh no, it's a concubine. It's just as difficult as heaven. She can't even enter the gate of the polar regions. "“ Three months after being abandoned, the woman found herself pregnant. She was overjoyed, thinking that as long as the child was born, the emperor of the polar region would change his mind. However, the child she gave birth to is still just a mortal who can't practice... Waste. "“ The emperor of the polar region has already had an outstanding legitimate son, recognized as the future successor. If such a son is sent to the door, he will only insult himself. But the woman is not reconciled. She plans everything, even sells her body, and sneaks into the imperial court step by step. Then she appears in front of the emperor and excitedly tells him: beixuan, I'm Qianqian. I've brought our son to see you. " When it comes to this scene, liweiran seems to be talking about some funny joke. The radian of the corner of the mouth is high, it seems that the next moment is about to burst out laughing“ How can there be such a stupid woman in the world? " Li Weiran is like evaluating an unrelated outsider, with banter and carelessness, "a mistress who can't see the light, a son who has no use value, so eager to come to the door? Does she really think that she can wait for the guilt and pity of the emperor of the polar region? "“ Hehe, how can it be? What she is waiting for is that she is mercilessly driven out of the imperial court of the polar region, and what she is waiting for is the cruel revenge of the holy queen of the polar region“ Then, she died. Before her death, she was still dreaming of a man changing his mind and bringing her scenery back to the polar regions. And her child, the boy without any talent for cultivation, was sold to the dirtiest place in the world. " Chu Mo Li nodded: "it's very pitiful. So you are the boy. The emperor of the polar region is the father of Mo tutor. Are you two half brothers“ Brother? " From the voice of undying suddenly rising. Just now when he said that he had been sold to the dirtiest place in the world, there was no waves on his face. But there was a fierce hatred in his eyes at the moment. "No, how could he be my brother【 Bai Shengwei died early, and Emperor beixuan disappeared. He was the only one I could vent my hatred to. Only when I see emperor mingjue lose everything with my own eyes, can I get relief. "“ For so many years, I have been thinking about how to bring down Jiyu and how to make dimingjue doomed. Now we have found a way. " Chu Mo Li clapped and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you are about to get your wish. But I'm still a little curious. With master Mo's accomplishments, how can you make him have nothing and feel miserable? " Li Weiran's face has recovered. He picked up the cup and sipped it gently. "I told him that I was Xiaobao's own father and junmuyan's first man." Chu left Leng Leng, rarely showed a bit surprised look, for a long time to ask: "master Mo so believe?" Li Weiran smiles slowly: "of course, he won't believe it easily. So I showed him a place to look up for himself. " Chu Mo Li narrowed his eyes slightly: "little younger martial sister comes from the martial arts mainland, so your so-called place to verify the truth must be there."