Especially when he goes hand in hand with Mu Yan, the degree of sensation will be doubled. Hearing the words of phantom, he just turned his mouth as if he were a little adult“ Dad doesn't want us to disturb the world of him and his mother! " He said, looking at some beautiful dresses and black men's clothes, with his hands behind him, he said faintly, "I want all these. Wrap them for me." The little servant girl looked at Xiaobao stupidly. She didn't react for a moment. It was a five-year-old or six-year-old baby who spoke to her in such a calm tone. Xiaobao frowned at her immobility. Thinking of something, he took out a piece of Obsidian Crystal from the storage ring and threw it directly on the counter: "do you hear me clearly?" Obsidian Crystal!! The little servant girl's eyes are straight, and she can't take care of Huachi's shock any more. She nods and rushes to prepare her clothes. Soon, Xiao Bao's clothes were ready. The little servant girl shook her hands and took Obsidian Crystal. She shivered and said, "these precious armour clothes are not as valuable as I am. I'll go to get the rest of the crystal. Please wait here." Xiao Bao just said don't change it. In the corner of his eye, he saw that Yingmei was staring at a dark blue Kirin suit embroidered with silver cloud pattern. The quality of this dress is only average. But it's better to have a unique and novel style. Xiao Bao pursed his lips and said in a loud voice, "wrap this one up, too. You don't need to find the rest of the crystal." The shadow returns to God and looks at Xiaobao in surprise. Xiaobao's face was taut and his hands were still behind him. He said solemnly, "if you want to bring a gift to brother Hanye, take it. Xiaobao won't laugh at you." Shadow's face suddenly burst red, and his voice rarely stammered: "who... Who wants to bring him a gift?" Xiaobao blinked: "no? On a cold night, brother was left alone in Xiaoyao city. If sister Yingmei didn't bring him a gift, he must be very sad, right Shadow hung her eyes and was silent for a long time. She whispered a word: "buy it."... " They just came out of the shop and suddenly ran into a man head-on. If it's not for shadow's quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaobao who is holding the storage ring to explore the new clothes inside is almost knocked down. See this person want to escape, the shadow spirit catches a person's clothes, coldly way: "apology!"“ Sorry! get the hell out of here!! Get out of here With that, I'm going to kick the phantom away. However, before the foot was kicked out, the wrist was caught by a person, and a creaking sound came from the carpal bone“ Let go! Let go! You know who I am, asshole? " The phantom coldly looked at the crying man with a fierce look: "I don't care who you are. If you collide with my little master, you must apologize!" The man was obviously scared when he felt the terrible smell from the phantom. Trembling voice way: "I apologize, apologize! I'm sorry, young master, but I didn't mean to. It's my master who is in a hurry! I have to ask the doctor for help immediately Xiaobao said: "shadow, let him go!" Shadow released her hand and stood behind Xiaobao. The man did not care about shadow and Xiaobao, and rushed to an inn not far away. The name of the inn is Jinghong Pavilion, which looks extremely grand. Looking through the window, the interior decoration is also exquisite and luxurious. Obviously, people who can live here must be rich or expensive. At this time, the door of Jinghong pavilion was full of people. Xiaobao is a little curious and can't help following.