He didn't know where the young girl got the talisman. Is it about settling down? Is it a side branch from settling down? But in any case, as long as they can find a way to buy this kind of broken barrier Fu, why don't they worry about the prosperity of Xuanyin palace? Mu Yan said with a smile to Zhao Yu's anxious eyes: "I drew the [broken barrier symbol], and there is no semicolon. If you want to buy, of course, but the price... "" and so on! Are you kidding me, little girl? " Zhao Yu's face suddenly became very ugly: "at your age, how can you draw such an anti heaven talisman?" As like as two peas were chosen, she turned her wrist around and folded her hands. Forget it. It's nothing to worry about. If you say I didn't draw it, then I didn't draw it. However, only I, Xiaoyao city and junmuyan, can come up with the "breaking barrier Fu". There is no doubt about that. What about? Can we talk about the deal now? "“ This, this, these are all broken obstacles Looking at the thick stack of talismans in the girl's green hands, Zhao Yu and Xuanyin Palace's eyes were straight. If they had these talismans, the younger generation of their Xuanyin palace disciples would have a breakthrough. Zhao Yu swallowed his saliva and nervously looked at Xiang Muyan: "I don't know how to sell these talismans in Juncheng?" Just like the girl in front of her said, she can take out so many [broken barrier runes]. It doesn't matter whether she drew the talisman or not. Mu Yan narrowed his eyes with satisfaction: what I'm waiting for is your words. As soon as he lifted his hand, a long list fell into Zhao Yu's hands: "I have marked the number of crystal stones in this list from high to low, and the price of the broken barrier talisman is one million first-class crystal stones. Do you think about it yourself? " Zhao Yu's heart trembled when he heard that the price of the broken barrier talisman was one million first-class crystal stones. Xuanyin palace is just the fourth largest force in Bibo city. It really doesn't have the wealth of one country, three leagues, six families and eight big families! The one who can easily take out millions of crystal stones without being distressed is Beitang chess, which has a unique family background. blamed! Do you want to buy this broken talisman? Not willing to buy! But I can't afford to buy it. Just ten of them have already stretched the whole Qingying hall. Zhao Yu frowned at the list in his hand, and suddenly his eyes brightened. I can see that the materials listed in the list are dense, including ordinary and rare ones. But the crystal behind each one is higher than that on the market. That is to say, if he used these materials to replace the broken barrier symbol, he would not have to pay such a terrible amount as one million crystal. As if seeing Zhao Yu's doubts, Mu Yan raised her voice with a smile: "I have noted the quantity of things on this list, which will be posted beside the gate of Xiaoyao city. Anyone who finds the materials in the list can go to the city to exchange the corresponding [broken barrier Fu] purchase voucher. As long as he collects one million crystal purchase voucher, he can get a broken barrier Fu. " Hearing this, they just gathered around to see the lively Xiaoyao City, and people were crazy. Take it. Butcher and old Ge are eager to try. Their original accomplishments were very high, but now they are just beginning to recover, which is just a mysterious habitat. If you can get a break rune, can you accelerate them to break through the mountain?