After covering Xiaobao with his cloak, the king killed the genius and said coldly, "go to the polar regions!"“ What? "“ Don't you go to the nether world to find out why the border broke“ How did it become depolarization? "“ Because of the marriage of the princess, we are at odds with the polar region. It's not good to go to the polar region now. " Jun Zaitian squinted and looked at the people kneeling below. He said slowly, "are you the devil, or am I the devil? Why don't you sit here? "“ I dare not! "“ Go to the polar region, we'll go to the polar region right away! " As they said it, they turned into a black flying boat. Then he took out all kinds of magic armor weapons, armed himself, and set foot on the flying boat with worry. Jun killed the sky, but without waiting for them to turn into flying boats, they had already disappeared in the same place with Xiaobao in their arms. Looking at the demon Zun galloping towards the imperial palace of the polar region, the demon soldiers said that they were flustered. Don't you know that Jiyu is our enemy? The most important thing is that mingjue, the king of the polar region, is now the only Immortal Emperor in the three realms. You can't beat me! Let's rush in so recklessly, isn't that to seek death It's just that junjitian just flew out. The baby, who was sleeping on his shoulder, suddenly straightened up, "mother --!" Jun Jitian was startled. He stopped and looked at the man in his arms. The baby's body was shaking and her eyes were full of fear and worry. Jun Jitian frowned: "what's the matter?"“ My mother is in danger. Xiaobao feels that my mother is in great pain. " Xiaobao struggled to keep himself from breaking down and crying. Tears can not stop from the ice blue eyes in the big rolling down. But it is this strong self - suppression of sadness and age does not match the sensible, people are more distressed. King kill day never coax children, at this time can only tone blunt way: "what's the matter with your mother?" Xiaobao shook his head: "Xiaobao doesn't know, but every time his mother is in danger, Xiaobao can feel it." This is a real mother child relationship. Junjitian: "I'll take you to your mother?"“ I can't find it Xiaobao sobbed, "my mother is far away. Only my father can take me there. Uncle in black, I miss my mother and my father. Will you take me to find my father quickly? " Junjitian is about to answer. All of a sudden, boom, a earth shaking sound came from the southwest. Junjitian suddenly looked back at the huge black hole over the southwest, and his pupils suddenly contracted“ The devil Behind the boat in a hurry to catch up, look startled panic, "demon, that is the direction of the abyss."“ There, there are many of our demons“ What should we do? " Jun Jitian's face is ugly. Only he knew that it wasn't just the disintegration of the border over the abyss. It is also the coming of the whole Xiuxian continent. Because that position is one of the array eyes of the whole border, which is equal to the Tianzhu of Xiuxian continent. What would be the terrible consequence of the collapse of the pillar of heaven“ See you The broken army knelt down in front of the Emperor Ming Jue, hoarse and unable to lift his head for a long time“ Sir, please punish your subordinates. It's my subordinate's carelessness that has lost my master. " At this time, all the people in Yanyue department and Guiji department were scarred and stained with blood.