Emperor Ming Jue was stunned and immediately woke up. Yan Yan's own father is equal to the son of a bitch who made an engagement for Yan Yan. But he searched all over the Xiuxian continent and turned over all the Sansheng stones in the polar region, but he didn't find any trace. In this way, there are only two possibilities. First, the Sansheng stone that made the engagement for mu Yan is in the netherworld or the devil's land. The other is that there is no engagement of sanshengshi, but the man who really has a marriage vow with Muyan is still alive. At the thought of this possibility, the Emperor Ming Jue could not stop his intention to kill. He also refused to accept the possibility. And the only way to prove it is to find Muyan's biological father. The Emperor Ming Jue on the hand fiercely a dint, the small hand of Mu Yan is pinched in the palm, cold voice way: "star wolf, go to check this person's origin." It's clear that there is no one around. You can give me an order. In the void came the stern voice of the wolf, "yes, sir!" Emperor Ming Jue coldly looked at the comatose Ning Xu one eye, after all did not start again, but turned the line of sight to Luo Yunxiao. Their eyes met in the air. Luo Yunxiao's face was a little pale and calm, but there was a trace of sad despair in his eyes. The pupil of Emperor Ming Jue shrinks slightly. Just at the critical moment to save Yan Yan, he felt the energy fluctuation. It can't be wrong“ Are you from the underworld Luo Yunxiao nodded slowly. Emperor Ming Jue frowned, and his eyes were sharp. "The power surging in your body comes from [Youming Shengyan]. You are the blood of the royal family in the Youming region. But why have you never heard of Yin Wuji's descendants? What's your purpose when you appear in Xiuzhen and approach Muyan? " Luo Yunxiao lowered his eyes and said in a dumb voice: "from now on, I will leave Xiuzhen mainland and never appear in front of her... You can rest assured."“ Little martial uncle? "“ Little martial uncle, are you kidding? " Even Muyan looked up at dimingjue and luoyunxiao in shock. What happened that she didn't know? Emperor Ming Jue stroked her cheek to appease her. Then he looked at Luo Yunxiao and said with a sneer: "you can't leave Xiuzhen mainland. What's the relationship with me? Do you still worry that you can't rob me? Don't say that you are just the son of Yin Wuji. Even if Yin Wuji comes here in person and dares to plot against the law, I can still let him climb back! " Luo Yun raised his head fiercely and looked at the Emperor Ming Jue in disbelief. The words of the emperor of the polar region are hard to hear, but the meaning of the words is so clear. He can continue to stay in Xiuzhen mainland, xiaoyaomen, and... The falling rain rushes over and holds Luo Yunxiao's sleeve, "little martial uncle, what are you going to do? When you go, Xiao Qi will cry for you!"“ Yes, little martial uncle, we don't care about the nether world or the demons! Anyway, we only recognize you as my little martial uncle! "“ As long as the man close to the younger martial sister, master Mo will be jealous. He didn't mean to talk to you. Don't take it seriously. We are used to it. I was almost killed by master Mo's eyes. "“ Don't talk about you. My mother, a girl hugged my younger martial sister, but she was almost drowned in the sea of vinegar of tutor mo Listening to the brothers make complaints about Luo Yun Xiao, Tucao Emperor Ming. Mu Yan couldn't help it, and he burst out laughing.