Muyan slowly stood up and walked to Xue huailu step by step, pulling Luoyu behind him by the way. Luoyu happily accepts the protection of the sixth elder martial sister. Then he took out a spirit fruit and ate it while appreciating Xue huailu's frightened face. The two monks who had stood quietly behind Xue huailu to protect him were puzzled by Xue huailu's fear. The girl in front of her was just a monk of Yuanying, and she didn't show any murderous spirit. Why are you afraid of this? Just when Murong Xue's whole body pressure and killing intention broke out, Xue huailu didn't show any fear. One of them stepped forward and said in a low voice: "young master, please be at ease. We will protect you. No one will have a chance to hurt you!" Xue huailu glared at them. Peace of mind?! He's so relieved! He almost forgot that Lan Luoyu, the little bastard, is the younger martial brother of Jun Muyan! In the face of this terrible God of killing, what's the use of two out of body monks? When Xue Huaiyi was in the secret place of Alsophila spinulosa, he was surrounded by experts like clouds. Wasn't he crushed to death by Jun Muyan like an ant? What's more, according to the news from people who have been to the secret place of Alsophila spinulosa. This junmuyan is strong and ruthless. There is a powerful backstage behind him. As a result, the Xue family, who had been abolished for two terms, did not dare to ask her to settle the accounts. Xue huailu and Xue Huaiyi are the only children of the Xue family. As soon as Xue Huaiyi died, Xue huailu became the only child of the Xue family. Even if he lost most of his talent, the Xue family had to focus on cultivating him and his descendants. This is also the reason why Xue huailu dares to be so arrogant now. But he can be arrogant to anyone, but he doesn't dare to be arrogant to you. Others will be afraid of his status as the successor of the Xue family, but this master will never be. What's more, if you don't agree with me, you can kill him in public. This female devil can do it. Thinking of this, Xue huailu's lips trembled, and it took a long time to squeeze out an ugly smile, "Jun... Ye Dashen talked and laughed... How dare I speak rudely to your younger martial brother. Just... Just kidding? " Luoyu took a bite of lingguo and said with a smile: "it turns out that young master Xue is joking with people. He is a little bastard! Yes, it's reciprocity. I can't fall behind. Xue huailu! Xue huailu! Xue huailu Xue Huai Lu Qi's face was crooked, and the top of his head was almost smoky. But in the end, he gritted his teeth and put up with it. When his men wanted to teach Luoyu a lesson, he even slapped them hard and said, "shame, get back to me!" Xue huailu walked away in ashes. Falling rain happily took Mu Yan's arm, "sixth elder martial sister is mighty!" Sure enough, as long as there are six elder martial sisters around, you can beat face villains anytime and anywhere. This feeling has only one word - cool! The episode passed quickly and did not attract much attention in the noisy hall. At this time, near the end of time, Leng Qingwan and Lu Yu also arrived. Leng Qingwan wore a gorgeous cloud gauze skirt today. She didn't wear a veil on her face, and even put on her make-up. Her whole appearance was open and gorgeous, but charming. This kind of beauty has great impact, almost in the moment of her appearance, it attracted everyone's attention“ Is this Qingwan Xianji? My God, how beautiful