"Of course, proper questioning can make his hidden truth clearer. For example... "Chu Tianyou looked at he Jinwen and said in a deep voice:" Dong Yulong said that you deliberately climbed and bit him, but he didn't tell you to do that. He Jinwen, do you have anything to say? "“ Ha ha... The old man Dong Yulong is very cautious. When he gave us the assignment, he was always careful and didn't leave a handle. But I've been in Ziyun for so many years, and I'm not a vegetarian. "“ Lao Tzu guessed that he might want to kill people after the event, so he had a long time ago. If the old man dares to tear his face, my brother will poke the matter out immediately. If it's easy to get together and break up, hehe, you can take it out as a threat in the future. " Dong Yulong's face turned pale. The hand holding the broken fan could not help shaking. He almost used all his strength to cry out, "what truth Dan? Lie detector array? I've been refining pills for so many years. Haven't I heard of it? Bo Ziliang, Su Qingling... And you, have you heard of Zhenyan Dan? No You won't believe it, will you? " Bai Ziliang frowned tightly and did not speak. Other alchemists also avoided Dong Yulong's sight without saying a word. Only Su Qingling said with great interest: "I have been studying that lie detector array since just now. It is really connected with people's knowledge of the sea. Knowledge of the sea connects the brain, heart and spirit. Maybe, this lie detector array combined with pills can really make people tell the truth!" Dong Yulong's face was livid. "Su Qingling, what do you mean? Do you suspect that I am the one who ordered all this Su Qingling randomly plucked the long hair scattered around his temples and said with a casual smile, "master Dong, why are you so angry? People who don't know think you are guilty? Don't you think there's evidence to prove that you instigated the elder of Liangchen army? Why don't you ask him to bring out the evidence? " He Jinwen shivered all over his body, shaking his head and biting his lips. The old man couldn't help it any more. He rushed over and kicked him on the head. He screamed bitterly. As soon as he opened his mouth, he became Frank. "In my jade key, I secretly recorded the scene of Dong Yulong's trading with me in the shadow talisman. The talisman is in my jade key, and no one can take it out except me." However, as soon as he Jinwen's voice fell, a talisman floated out of his jade key. He fell unsteadily in Muyan's hands. At the same time, a voice like Xiaotian's asking for credit sounded in her ears: "idiot, is there anything in Tianguang market that I can't get?" Mu Yan smiles and doesn't talk much nonsense, which directly activates the talisman. Soon, a broken Temple appeared in front of people's eyes, in which only he Jinwen and Dong Yulong met secretly. The dialogue between the two people is clearly spread to everyone's ears through the light curtain inspired by the talisman. The content is almost the same as what he Jinwen said. And Dong Yulong said at the end, "this is half of the reward. As long as you have done it, there are still greater benefits waiting for you." He Jinwen's eyes brightened: "what's the advantage?" Dong Yulong said with a smile, "do you know the pills on the top ten list refined by Qingwan Xianji? Teng long Dan gives you a chance to fly directly to the land of cultivating immortals without going through the robbery period or going through the thunder robbery. "