"Where is Cai Ji?"“ Who's pretending to be a ghost in it? Get out of here With the piano music slowly stopped, seven colorful sword lights soared into the sky, and finally gathered into a transparent sword in mid air. On the sword, the girl in white stood up and looked down at the three“ Master Cai, did your master come to you? Do you want to go down and see him? " A beautiful sound came from the sky. The voice just falls, a regiment of flesh and blood fuzzy trunk, was thrown to Yu guangqun in front. Cai Ji was on the verge of death at this time. He was so nervous that he didn't even find Yu guangqun. Just kept shouting, "I don't want to go back to the nightmare, Junda God, please, kill me, kill me!"“ Cai Ji?! Are you Cai Ji Yu guangqun's two confidants were stunned. Cai Ji's accomplishments were in his infancy. In Qingyun, he was invincible. But now it's like this. Yu guangqun, however, suddenly shrinks his pupils when he hears the word "jundashen". He stared at the girl in the sky and murmured: "you are Jun Mu Yan!" The seven Jue sword landed slowly, and the girl's beautiful face appeared in front of them. At this glance, Yu guangqun even lost his last fluke. "Jun Muyan, what do you mean? My flame gate is happy with you. Seven sons have no grudges in the past and have no grudges recently. What do you mean by maiming my men? " His voice was loud and interrogative. But only he himself knew how many elements there were in it. His eyes kept looking around, and he wanted to know whether it was Jun Muyan or Xiaoyao Qizi who appeared here. Mu Yan sneered, "don't look, my martial brother didn't come, I'm the only one here." Yuguangqun smell speech immediately relaxed tone, look at the line of sight of xiangmuyan, slowly condense the light of Sen Han. The girl in front of her was really amazing, but she was just a golden elixir monk. It's one out of the body and two yuan babies. Can't you get rid of her? As for the destruction of Tianjian gate, there must be a special reason for the special environment of Alsophila spinulosa. Maybe, it's the xiaoyaomen who beat each other three times, or maybe they attacked. In a word, I've been prepared for a long time. Would I be afraid of a little girl? Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and said, "Miss Jun, have I ever offended you?" Mu Yan shook her head and did not wait for Yu guangqun to speak. She sneered and said, "you have not offended me, but you have offended my brother."“ Your brother? " Listen to Mu Yan continue: "Chang Lisheng family, you killed it? Chang Yu was abandoned by your people and fell into the martial arts world, right Yu guangqun's face suddenly changed, "you really stand out for the Chang family! Jun Muyan, think about it clearly. The Chang family has already been ruined, but our flame gate is at its best. For the sake of the ruined Chang family, is it worth offending our flame gate? "“ The ruined Chang family? Flaming gate in the sun Mu Yan sneered, slowly shook his head, "after today, it's not." Her voice is clear and beautiful, but it's like a curse. Word by word, it hits Yu guangqun's head, which makes them feel unspeakable fear.