Qihuang took a puff at the corner of his mouth. He... He's so smart that he's reduced to competing with a child? Fight, fight for your sister!! Who, who said that he wanted Jun Muyan to hold him, kiss... Kiss him? He's not rare, OK!! Even though he thought so, Qihuang twisted around in a gray blanket. The little face is still boiling hot at the moment, as if to burn up. At the moment of turning around, Qihuang suddenly felt his thoughts blurred. The next moment, his arrogant and stubborn look turned into a deep and unpredictable sneer. Without any trace, the sight passed behind Muyan and Xiaobao, and slowly gathered away. The radian of the corner of the mouth was cold and meaningful. However, in a flash, this strange expression disappeared. What's left is the seven little Huang full of daze and fear. He also looked at Mu Yan, only that look, worried and concerned, nervous and determined. Small hands, tightly clenched into fists=== In some remote mountain relic. Luo Yunxiao and Qiu kiss are marching in the ruins, accompanied by a woman wearing a purple dress. This woman is beautiful and beautiful. She looks like a picture. She is a beautiful woman with beautiful national color. Look at her whole body bearing posture, elegant, between the eyebrows there is a proud color of ice and snow. It's obvious that he is a very proud and noble man. But at this time in the face of luoyunxiao, but gentle like the spring breeze blowing water, between the eyes of love and obsession, almost overflowing. In front of the man, such as exchange, such as Zhuo, such as grinding, Lang Yan unique, the world has no other. Even if he only looked at it, he would feel no regret in this life. However, this person looks like a jade without edges and corners. In fact, he always keeps close to others. I can't advance an inch, but I'm reluctant to retreat. There was silence in the ruins, only the chirping of kisses“ Oh, it doesn't seem to be here. Master, we have to find another place“ It's boring to wander in the mountains every day! Let's go back to find meiyanyan. They haven't seen meiyanyan for a long time. They want to wake up in her warm arms every day... "Luo Yunxiao takes a cold look at her kiss. He kisses and laughs, "you're kidding. You can't sleep, master. Which round will you get me?" Crack! The kiss fell to the ground and turned into a piece of meat cake. It struggled to get up and wanted to protest like its owner. But see Luo Yunxiao suddenly cover his heart, originally white cheek rose red. Even the thin lips, which were originally pale, turned bright red“ Master, what's the matter with you? "“ Young master Yunxiao, are you ok? " Luo Yunxiao avoided the hand that the woman in purple stretched out, supported on the stone wall with one hand, and stabilized her figure“ Master, what's the matter? Yes, is... Having an attack? " Luo Yunxiao shook his head and looked in a direction. There is only dark stone wall, but he seems to see the distance through the stone wall, the figure that makes him fear, makes him yearn, and makes him love each other to the bone. What's going on? Just now, he felt as if he was very close to Muyan, so close that he could hear her voice and smell her breath. There is that sentence, if there is no "very like.". Why does Mu Yanyuan have such an illusion now that he is in Longteng college? And it's not the first time?