This means that the field of Moyan is not pure Jiuyao sun. The brow of Emperor Ming Jue deeply wrinkled. The emperors and empresses of the polar regions and the main hall owners in the past dynasties must be pure "Jiuyao sun". Muyan doesn't belong to Jiuyao sun. If she wants to be the hostess of the polar region in the future, she will inevitably suffer many difficulties. But soon, Emperor Ming Jue stretched his brows, and his eyes were full of determination. What if Yan Yan is not in the field of Jiuyao sun? His wife in this life, also absolutely only Jun Mu Yan a person? Who can control it? Who dares to control! But he could not help laughing, "meiyanyan, you are destined to belong to us! Master, come on! Let beauty enter your field Mu Yan looked at the gloomy face of Emperor Ming Jue and the field that little martial uncle showed her, and couldn't help blinking. She felt that it might not be that simple. Sure enough, an hour later, Muyan came out of luoyunxiao's field. That sneaky power, which belongs to her silver field. He also nibbled at the dark red field of his younger martial uncle. At this time, it's not only her field that is full of food, but Muyan feels that she is also full of food“ It's not Jiuyao Taiyin. How can it be?! Why aren't you beautiful?! That's not right! Meiyanyan, what's your field? "“ Is it... Is it that the attribute is vague, complex and unclear, the lowest level, and even the promotion may not have the garbage field? " Otherwise, it's impossible to be marked by Jiuyao sun and Jiuyao Taiyin. The Emperor Ming Jue sees Mu Yan's face pale, the facial expression is at a loss, only way in her heart disappointed worry. I can't help holding her, and her voice is soft. "Even in the most complicated field, as long as you have your own king, it will make you strong. Will never let you inferior to... "Emperor Ming Jue's words haven't finished, Mu Yan's body suddenly shook, wow of gush out a mouthful of blood. Then he passed out. Di Ming Jue and Luo Yunxiao reach out their hands almost at the same time, trying to catch Mu Yan. However, Luo Yunxiao's hand stretched out to half, and finally retracted. Emperor Ming Jue held Mu Yan tightly in his arms. Coldness and indifference, the man's face is no longer normal calm, "Yan Yan, what's the matter with you?" damn! Did her own field hurt her? Muyan was holding the hand of emperor mingjue. His body was convulsed and trembled, and his mouth groaned hoarsely, "pain..." Muyan himself could endure the pain, but he could not help crying out the pain at this time. It was enough to imagine how severe the pain and torture were“ Yan Yan, don't be afraid! I won't let you do anything! " The Emperor Ming Jue clasped her hand and was about to pour his own divine power into it. But in the next instant, his and Luo Yunxiao's faces changed. Then, an ice blue, a dark red light from the two people's bodies lit up. Like an explosion of stars, it suddenly spread in all directions. Boom! Boom!! The whole Yaoguang branch, and even the star college, are moving and the sun and moon are changing. Even in the Danyang mountains, tens of thousands of animals are collapsing and rocks are breaking. Such a vision, like heaven and earth to destroy rebirth, people fear. But the vision only lasted for a few breath and disappeared without a trace. Many people in star college are frightened and confused, but they also doubt whether it is their own illusion.