No, she won't! How can she be reconciled to this?! She should be very high spirited and attract attention! How can you just die here【 Want revenge At this time, Liu Ruoyu's ear, suddenly came a quiet hoarse voice. The voice was either male or female, ghostly. Sounded with a bone chilling, repeatedly calm people's bones. But it can ignite the deepest desire in the human body“ Who... You... Are you a human or a ghost? " Liu Ruoyu endured the pain in her body and looked around. But I didn't see a half figure. But soon, she found that the skeleton she was holding in her hand was emitting a faint green light. The green light reflected the blood on her hand, which was very strange【 You don't need to know if I'm a human or a ghost【 You just need to ask yourself, do you want to be strong, do you want revenge The voice was quiet and hoarse, but very bewitching. Liu Ruoyu pressed the wound on his abdomen, and his face was completely twisted. He almost roared: "I want to take revenge on those bastards and junmuyan in my dreams! Whatever the cost, as long as it can make them die... [cluck cluck, that's right.]【 As long as you sacrifice your soul to me and help me do things, I can help you achieve your wish Liu Ruoyu's eyes were struggling, but he was soon replaced by the desire for success and revenge: "as long as I can get revenge, I will do anything for you."【 Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. This is a secret room hidden under the ground. A complex array is arranged in the middle of the secret room. What can maintain the array is not the crystal stone, but the blood of a spirit beast full of holes. In the middle of the array, there is a dark red bell. But no matter how the spirit beasts struggled, the bell didn't move and didn't make any sound. But all of a sudden, the array was red, and the bell began to shake violently and make a sound. The spirit beasts around the array are shrill roaring and struggling. But before long, he was drained of blood and died thoroughly. The door of the secret room was knocked open, and several people ran down in a hurry. Seeing the bell shaking violently, Qi Qi showed an expression of ecstasy“ Yes, the most important medicine was finally found. Ha ha ha, if we give the elixir we found before to Qingwan fairy, yanyuemen will certainly get great benefits. " The head of the white beard old man's eyes are full of excited look, even the voice is slightly trembling, "look at the direction of the bell shaking, should be in the Cang blue world, quick, immediately life yanyuemen all address to find!"“ Yes, master Several people soon retreated, only the old man with white beard and another tall and thin middle-aged man remained“ Master, what is this medicine? It took us so much energy to find it? What kind of medicine does the fairy want to refine The old man with white beard stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth“ What Qingwan fairy wants to refine is the Fenghua quicksand, which has been cut off from the tradition of Tianyi. "“【 Fenghua quicksand? What kind of pill is this The old man with white beard shook his head. "I don't know the specific effect of [Fenghua Liusha]."