Even if, even now, Xiaobao is trapped in some place and can't come out. If you can know her existence, know that she is looking for him, is not so lonely, so lonely. Mu Yan bowed to Chu Mo Li deeply, "thank you, Third Elder martial brother! Excuse me, how can I climb the green cloud list? "=== On the west side of Xingchen college adjacent to the sea of Alsophila spinulosa, there is an almost towering tower called Linglong tower. No one knows when the Linglong tower was built, and no one knows who built it. People only know that Linglong tower existed long before Star College was founded. Similarly, there are Lingxiao tower of Lingwu college and nirvana tower of Fengtian college. However, although Linglong tower has existed for nearly a thousand years, its appearance has not changed in the slightest after wind, frost, rain and snow. Is still towering, momentum Taotao, let people look at from afar, on the heart of awe. At the bottom of Linglong tower, countless students from Star College come and go every day. And outside the Linglong tower, there is a huge jade wall with dense names on it. Occasionally, these names will jump and change. This jade wall is called Linglong Baibang. That is to say, in climbing Linglong tower, those who are in the top 100 will appear on the jade wall. All the people of Star College regard this exquisite hundred list as the goal of struggle and the opportunity to become famous. But there are thousands of students in Star College. The people on the Linglong 100 list are all highly qualified and accumulated little by little. How easy is it to get into the top 100? As a result, there is little chance to change the Linglong hundred list Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd“ Ha ha ha, it's been three years, and finally I'm in the top 100! " A tall man with thick eyebrows and big eyes suddenly exclaimed excitedly, which attracted everyone's attention. When they looked up, they saw that Linglong ranked the last in the list, from the original "Wan Hongbo" to "Chen Ping"“ It took only three years to get into the Linglong hundred list. It's really worthy of elder martial brother Chen! "“ This achievement, even compared with the people of Tianshu hospital, is not inferior at all. "“ You know, the climbing of Linglong tower can't carry any elixir. The only thing you can rely on is your real strength and talent. It's a genius to get into the Linglong 100 list, even if it's the last one. "“ If you want to talk about genius, the most gifted one is Hua Xiangrong who just entered the school this time. It took only half a month to climb to within 30. No wonder Hua Xiangrong is known as the genius of Yinyu palace who is hard to produce in a hundred years However, although Chen Ping entered the Linglong 100 list, he was only the last one. So the crowd around Yubi talked for a while and then dispersed. Some people go back to practice indignantly. Others gritted their teeth and planned to enter Linglong tower to try again. Chen Ping doesn't care about the people around him. He stared at his name on the jade wall for a long time, and his heart was in full bloom. Then he waved to his friends, "go, go, today I treat, drunk fairy building, any point."“ Ha ha, elder martial brother Chen will be a famous person of Star College from now on. He will cover his younger brothers in the future! "“ Elder martial brother Chen, don't you continue to climb the tower? What if you get squeezed out of the top 100? " Others are worried.