Mu Yan didn't look at him any more, but turned and looked at Guan Hu and Xueyan, "has the news from Mingyan Valley come? How long does it take for the army to arrive? "“ Report back to miss, the news of Tianji camp has been delivered. Since Miss ordered, the army of Mingyan Valley has been set up, and it will arrive at Huang yaoguo and the foot of tiandaozong mountain at the latest tomorrow evening. " Muyan slowly laughed, "well, tomorrow night, we will go to tiandaozong to send a gift." A gift she wanted to give in her previous life=== Late at night, Jianfeng's medicine house. A bloody figure stumbled into it“ Elder martial brother, elder martial brother, help me! Help me... "Jianfeng heard the familiar voice and ran out of the room in a hurry. What he saw was the blood covered underground palace, with thousands of snow falling to the ground“ A thousand snow Jianfeng quickly helped her up, her face full of worry, "younger martial sister, younger martial sister, how are you? Who hurt you like this? " Gong Qianxue spilled blood from her mouth, and her face turned pale. After a long time, she clenched her teeth and spat out three words, "you admire your face!"“ It's your face again Jian Feng's eyes burst out a strong intention to kill, "damned woman, she has hurt you three times and four times." While saying that, Jianfeng takes out the pill to feed Gong Qianxue. After taking pills, Gong Qianxue's face is much better, and he doesn't vomit blood any more. But soon, she showed a look of panic, "my cultivation, my cultivation, why has it come down to the Xuan level! Elder martial brother, how can this happen? " Jianfeng pitifully and painfully looked at her, but shook his head and said: "Qianxue, I'm sorry, you are too seriously injured. Now you are more injured, and you have consumed essence and blood. Now even I can't recover your cultivation."“ You... You mean I'll never get back to heaven? You can't fly to Xiuzhen any more? " Gong Qianxue couldn't help screaming, "no, I don't accept it! Elder martial brother, didn't you say that you would take me back to Xiuzhen land? Didn't you say that I would be able to practice my body and soul successfully? Elder martial brother, you can't cheat me! " Jianfeng hugged her and said with regret: "Qianxue, calm down, I will try again. I didn't expect that junmuyan would be so powerful. "“ brain storm? What can I do? What else can I do to restore my accomplishments? " Palace thousand snow is still hysterical, face distortion, "to the fetus refining medicine?"? No problem, I'm going to find it now... "But Jianfeng shook his head and said," now even if you use ordinary fetal medicine, it's useless. Qianxue, you are too hurt this time. If you want to restore your cultivation, unless... "Unless what?" Gong Qian's eyes lit up. Her bloody hand gripped the wrist of the blade, her nails almost embedded in the flesh. Originally beautiful face, because of distortion and become extremely ferocious ugly, "tell me quickly, what can I do to restore my cultivation! This palace is destined to be the best one in heaven and the first genius of martial arts in mainland China. I must never lose my accomplishments and fall down from the altar. No matter what method I use, I must climb up... "Jianfeng feels a sharp pain on his wrist, and Gong Qian's nails have cut his skin and flesh. And Gong Qianxue's twisted face made Jianfeng uncomfortable. The younger martial sister in front of him was totally different from the gentle and stubborn woman in his impression.